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 Welcome to the D13 Communications Page

District 13 DSO-CM: John Mackey


Auxiliary communications consist of fixed land stations, land mobile stations and direction finder stations that have been accepted by DIRAUX as radio facilities.
The primary purposes of the Auxiliary communications network are:
  • Coordinating authorized Auxiliary activities in support of Coast Guard Operations ("operational communications")
  • Augmenting the Coast Guard communications system, when required ("contingency communications")
  • Communicating urgent matters of official Auxiliary business ("operational communications")
  • Training
  • Assisting national resources in time of disaster ("contingency communications")
In many cases, Auxiliarists will operate radio facilities in conjunction with authorized surface and air missions. They will, at that time use authorized government frequencies in designated bands. Other program activities of radio facilities include operation in the HF Contingency Communications Program and the Auxiliary Monitoring Program in support of the Communications Area Master Stations, Sector Command Centers, and other CG Unit communications operations.

In order to stand watch at an Auxiliary communication facility, a Basically Qualified Auxiliarist must complete the Telecommunications Operator Personal Qualification Standard unless authorized as a result of previous completion of the “Auxiliary Communications Specialty Course”) In order to act as a watchstander at a CG communications facility, Auxiliarists must complete all requirements as specified by the Commanding Officer or Officer in Charge of the CG unit in question.

Who May Inspect What

A member who is a Communications Staff Officer (CM) and a Telecommunications Operator (TCO) may inspect a Mobile or Fixed Land VHF Marine (Type 80) Radio. This member is a Facility Inspector.

Land Mobile (LMR -Type 90) or HF Radios may be inspected by a member who is a Communications (CM) Staff Officer and holds a Telecommunications Operator (TCO) qualification), with the addition of a mentor checkout by one of the listed inspectors with special technical qualifications. This member is a Technical Facility Inspector.   

CM Staff 


Richard Currey
  Incident Management Liaison



Engineering and Technology




 Helpful CM Links
ResourceAbout This Resource
Radio Inspections Procedure Radio Inspections - District 13 Virtual and "in-person"
Radio Inspections Addendum 2.0 Radio Inspections - ANSC-7004 Supplemental
ANSC 7004 Offer of Radio Facility Use and Inspection 
CG Telecom Manual Coast Guard Telecommunications Manual
HF Net Management HF Contingency Net Plan
Radiotelephone Handbook Coast Guard Radiotelephone Handbook
HF Radio Facility Application  HF Radio Facility Application Process (National)
VHF Radio Facility  VHF Radio Facility Requirements (National)
AUXMON Program AUXMON Program Document
Telecommunication Standard  Communications Qualification
Net Schedule  Weekly National HF Nets 
Authorized Frequencies  Listing of Aux VHF Frequencies 

Telecommunications Operations Workshop

The Telecommunications workshop (PDF) is meant as a refresher on good Telecoms practices. This workshop should be given by an Auxiliarist qualified as AUXCOM or TCO.   If additional information is important for your AOR you may add these as a separate presentation or as additional slides.  This presentation is also available in PowerPoint format.  

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