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2024 IT Workshop

The 2024 Instructor Workshop is now posted, and every member is encouraged to take advantage of this invaluable opportunity. The Instructor Workshop is tailor-made for our dedicated members looking to enhance their teaching skills and deepen their impact as Coast Guard Auxiliary instructors. Whether you're a seasoned instructor or a newcomer, this workshop is designed to elevate your training capabilities and contribute to the excellence of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.

Geared toward the Public Education and Member Training Instructor, this workshop will help you review effective training methodologies that align with the unique demands of Coast Guard Auxiliary education. Stay at the forefront of instructional techniques to ensure our members receive the best possible training and that we present our boating safety courses optimally.

Review the workshop in PDF format for important notes expanding on the information on each slide. Once completed on an individual basis, fill out the Workshop Attestation Form and submit it to your Information Services officer for input into AUXDATA II

2024 VE Workshop

National Vessel Examiner Workshop. The Vessel Examiner (VE) Workshop is required for 2024. This workshop is intended to be viewed by members and completion logged via a self-attestation form as described below. This workshop may be facilitated by an Instructor via webinar or in person as District COVID-19 Protocols permit.

VE Workshop. This workshop is required for all certified Vessel Examiners, and those currently training to become Vessel Examiners, including members in REYR status who intend to regain their certification. The VE workshop presentations are in

National Operations Workshop 2024

National Operations Workshops. The Surface Workshop is required for 2024. The Air Operations workshop is an element of the annual Air Station Safety Workshop. The Telecommunications Workshop is strongly recommended for 2024. Like 2023, the National Operations Workshops (Surface/Air/Telecommunications) may be completed via webinar. The workshop training material(s) must be delivered by an Auxiliarist qualified in the respective operations program provided they are either a certified instructor or are under the supervision of a certified instructor. Instructors may use any webinar delivery platform that is available in their region. Instructors are encouraged to work with their Chain of Leadership and Management (COLM) to determine the proper delivery platform. Self-Attestation is NOT permitted for any of the National Operations Workshops. The workshops will relay significant, needed information, and may take longer than 1 hour (possibly 2 hours) to complete, please plan accordingly. Details for the 2024 National Operations Workshops are listed below:

  • Surface Operations Workshop. This workshop is required for all boat crew coxswains, boat crew members, personal watercraft operators, paddle craft operators, and those currently training for any of these competencies, including members in Required Yearly Not Met (REYR) status who intend to regain their certification.
  • Air Operations Workshop. The Air Operations Workshop is an element of the annual Air Station Safety Workshop. The annual Air Station Safety Workshop is required for all pilots, air crew, air observers, and those currently training for any of these competencies, including members in REYR status who intend to regain their certification.
  • Telecommunications Workshop. This workshop is strongly recommended for all operators and owners of Auxiliary Radio Facilities. It is strongly recommended for those currently holding Telecommunications Operator (TCO), or in training for TCO qualification, and those who are using AUXCOM as their “grandfathered” qualification for radio operation. This does not apply to the operation of radios on aircraft or vessels, which are covered by crew certification.

The 2024 National Operations Workshop presentations (Air, Surface, and Telecommunications) are located at the following link:

National Operations Workshops - 2024


"TRAINING TUESDAY "Downloads & Class Videos
 Class Downloads
 Videos posted after class
NSBW Presentation 2022
Class Video
Forms & PDFs
  • AUX ICS Planning P training slides
    What's New In MT

    The Core Training Report shows all members in each district, by flotilla, and then alphabetically within the flotilla, with each district shown on a separate tab.

    All members are required to complete the six Coast Guard core training courses. Those who joined after Feb. 1, 2018 must also complete the seven BQC-II modules. This report takes the enrollment date into account, and displays the results accordingly.

    For the five C.G. Core Training courses that are repeatable every five years, the report shows the year it was last taken, and codes the cell yellow if it must be re-taken before Dec. 31, or red if never taken, or expired in a prior year. 

    This report is updated quarterly in January, April, and July, and then weekly from September to the end of the election cycle in December.

      Core Training Report

    Clicking on the icon above with cause Internet Explorer, Edge or Firefox web browsers to both download the Excel file, open Excel, and then display the report. Chrome users clicking on the icon, must wait for Chrome to finish the download, and then go to their Downloads directory to find the file, and double click on the file to display the report.

    Introducing a New Aux Weather Course

    The Training Directorate is tasked with developing the next generation of Operational Specialty Courses (AUXOP) including: Weather, Communications, Seamanship, Patrols, and Navigation. We are announcing that the new Weather Specialty Course (AUXWEA) will be available mid-October 2016.

    The new AUXWEA course includes the new: student study guide (SSG), PowerPoint slides (PPT), and the new AUXWEA exam on The National Testing Center Website (NTC).

    The new course eliminates unnecessary complications from the description of weather phenomenon, and adds modern terminology and concepts to the class. In addition, there is a new a chapter that discusses weather from the coxswain’s perspective.

    Existing AUXWEA course material will be available until mid-October; after that all AUXWEA material will be converted to the new course including the NTC exam. For those instructors that teach AUXWEA and members interested in starting to study AUXWEA, we recommend waiting until mid-October for the new material to be available. Those members currently studying AUXWEA have until mid-October to complete the old exam.

    AUXOP material can be found at :

    The NTC exams can be found at :
    Both sites require a login with member ID and password.

    Announcing a New Basic Qualification Course (BQC II)

    A new Basic Qualification course (BQC II) is available to all members. While aimed primarily at Application Pending (AP) status members that want to rapidly move towards Basically Qualified (BQ) status, it provides information on Auxiliary missions, programs, policies and structure to better prepare all members for their service.

    The Basic Qualification Course (BQC II) introduces the member to the Auxiliary Manual (AUXMAN) in 7 student study guide modules. Each module covers one or two chapters of the AUXMAN but with a major reduction in the reading required. The modules are stand alone and can be taken in any order. At the conclusion of each Module, the member takes a 22 question exam located on the National Testing Center (NTC) website. Passing the open book exam with at least 90% is recorded in AUXDATA for your permanent record. The AUXDATA record also shows up in your AUXDIR(OFFICER) profile.

    The BQC II Course link can be found on the Training Directorate website. Go to the National Website at, then go to the Directorate pull down menu and select “Training”. In the left hand column, you will see the link to “Basic Qual II Course”.

    The BQC II material is also available by direct link at:

    Coast Guard Auxiliary Online Classroom
    The member-training portal known as the “U.S.Coast Guard Auxiliary Virtual Classroom” has moved to a new location, and is now called the Coast Guard Auxiliary Online Classroom.

    The Direct link (URL) to the Online Classroom is: you can also click on the image to the right to access the site.

    Please note:
    All courses previously available in the Virtual Classroom should immediately be available at the new Online Classroom.
    Old user accounts and course completion history have been retired, as the new site uses automatically provides members with new and permanent accounts based upon the same Member Zone Credentials used for AuxDirectory, NTC, Webforms, etc.
    Members, member training officers, and unit webmasters should change all bookmarks, links, or other references to the old Virtual Classroom to the new site and address.
    Support is available via the National Help Desk at
    Members should note that the Auxiliary Mandated Training Program courses referenced in ALAUX 011/11 (Ethics, Sexual Harassment Prevention, et al.) are still available in AUXLMS (please see the AUXLMS message below).
    NOTE:The same Mandated Training referenced above is also available in the Auxiliary Online Classroom.
    NEW! Many training courses within the Auxiliary Online Classroom are also available via mobile devices. To learn more about this capability, please click on the image below to access a brief instructional video within the Auxiliary Online Classroom.

    Use This Form For Questions Or Comments

     Please use this form to ask questions or to pass information to the DSO, we need your input on what is working and what is not. Thanks for helping District 17 keep moving forward!


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