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<h3>General Information</h3> <ul> <li><a style="line-height: 1.3;" title="Coast Guard Auxiliary - Online Classroom" href="" target="_blank">Coast Guard Auxiliary - Online Classroom</a><span style="color: inherit; line-height: 1.3;">&nbsp;</span></li> <li><a style="font-weight: normal;" href="" target="_blank">Auxiliary Online 7029 Form - enter your hours!</a><span style="color: inherit;">&nbsp;</span></li> <li><span style="color: inherit;">AuxInfo Access to AuxData Information – “ ““”/> <br /> </span></li> </ul> <p><strong>Uniform Purchase:&nbsp;</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: normal;"></p> <ul> <li><span style="color: inherit;"><a href=" " title=" " target="_blank"> </a>Major uniform acquisitions are handled by active-duty - </span><a href="" title="" target="_blank"></a></li> <li><a style="font-weight: normal;" href="" target="_blank">5th District Store Online</a>&nbsp;This is where you can purchase many of the Auxiliary specific uniform accessories such as your name tag, your ODU signage, ribbon and medal mounts, shoulder boards, combination cap and garrison hats, ball caps, belts, buttons and collar devices.</li> </ul> <p style="font-weight: normal;"></p> <ul> <ul> <ul> <li>Educational Material </li> <li> Flags </li> <li> Logo Clothing </li> <li> Logo Products </li> <li> Operations / Safety Equipment </li> <li> Stationery </li> <li> Uniform Items </li> <li> VSC Banners / Decals </li> <li> Contact Us Page </li> <li> District Store Policies </li> <li> Duty Shirt - Polo<br /> <br /> </li> </ul> </ul> <li><a title="The Coast Guard Exchange Online" href="" style="font-weight: normal;">The Coast Guard Exchange Online</a></li> <ul> <li> This resource is useful in the event the UDC does not have a particular size uniform item you are searching for (shirts, trousers, shoes). You will need to register.</li> </ul> </ul> <p><u>&nbsp;</u><strong style="color: inherit;">Operations</strong></p> <a style="font-weight: normal;" href="" target="_blank"></a> <ul><a style="font-weight: normal;" href="" target="_blank"></a> <li><a style="font-weight: normal;" href="" target="_blank"></a><a style="font-weight: normal;" href="" target="_blank">ICS / NIMS Frequently Asked Questions</a></li> </ul> <h3><br /> Helpful Web Links</h3> <p>&nbsp;</p> <h3><br /> <u> </u>New Member Information</h3> <!--- <a style="font-weight: normal;" title="New Member Handbook" href="" target="_blank">New Member Handbook</a><br /> ---> <p style="font-weight: normal;"><strong>US Coast Guard Auxiliary Manual - Forms - Training</strong></p> <ul> <li><a title="USCGAUX Certificates" href="" target="_blank">USCGAUX Online Certificates</a>&nbsp;- Courtesy link to USCGAUX certificates.</li> <li><a title="AuxData" href="" target="_blank">AuxData</a>&nbsp;- Quick link to AuxData Reports.</li> <li><a title="AuxInfo"</li> <li><a title="ANSC-7029 Member Activity Log" href="" target="_blank">ANSC-7029 Member Activity Log</a>&nbsp;- On-line link to the US Coast Guard Auxiliary ANSC-7029 Member Activity Log.</li> <li><a title="ANSC-7030 Mission Activity Report “chrome- extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ 05/Fixed_7030H.pdf"_blank">ANSC-7030 Mission Activity Report</a>&nbsp;- On-line link to the US Coast Guard Auxiliary ANSC-7030 Mission Activity Report</li> <li><a title="ANSC-7046 Activity Report RBS Visitation"chrome- extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/" target="_blank">ANSC-7046 Activity Report RBS Visitation</a>&nbsp;- On-line link to the US Coast Guard Auxiliary ANSC-7046 Activity Report RBS Visitation</li> <li><a title="ANSC-7038 Activity Report Vessel Exams" href=” “chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ 04/a7038.pdf"_blank">ANSC-7038 Activity Report Vessel Exams</a>&nbsp;- On-line link to the US Coast Guard Auxiliary ANSC-7038 Activity Report Vessel Exams</li> <li><a title="ANSC-7039 Workshop Mission and Activity Report" href="chrome- extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ pdf">ANSC-7039 Workshop Mission and Activity Report</a>&nbsp;- On-line link to the US Coast Guard Auxiliary ANSC-7039 Workshop Mission and Activity Report</li> <li><a title="Check Request Form" href=" chrome- extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ 0FIN-2_Check%20Request.pdf" target="_blank">Check Request Form</a>&nbsp;- On-line link to the US Coast Guard Auxiliary Check Request Form. This form may be filled in on-line and printed. Remember to keep one copy for your files.</li> <li><a title="National Auxiliary Department of Training" href="" target="_blank">National Auxiliary Department of Training</a>&nbsp;- The Department of Training core responsibility is to provide advanced, value-added and leadership and management training for our members.</li> <li><a title="National Testing Center" href="" target="_blank">National Testing Center</a>&nbsp;- On-line testing.</li> </ul> g. <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <!--- <p style="font-weight: normal;"><a title="CIM_2300_7A RADIOTELEPHONE HANDBOOK" href="" target="_blank">CIM_2300_7A RADIOTELEPHONE HANDBOOK</a> - Auxiliary Telecommunications Operator Handbook</p> <p style="font-weight: normal;"><a title="USCGAUX Email Forms" href="" target="_blank">USCGAUX Email Forms</a> - Courtesy link to all the USCGAUX Email Forms.</p> --> <p style="font-weight: normal;">&nbsp;</p>