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Mon, 07 Mar 22  

Primary Flotilla Leadership References 

These documents provide direction for flotilla leaders in all positions. Get familiar with them, refer to them often, comply with their directives and procedures, and train new personnel in their use.

Flotilla 81 Standing Rules [2021]
Click HERE

Flotilla Procedures Guid
e [2023]
Click HERE

D5SR Auxiliary Policy Manual
(Enclosure (1) to CGDFIVEINST 16790.D) [2012]
Click HERE

Auxiliary Manual
(CIM 16790.1G) [2011] 
Click HERE

Sun, 29 Jul 18  

Division 8 Boat Acceptance for Flotilla 054-08-01 

Click HERE to view the Division Letter accepting the Zodiac boat donated by the U.S. Navy Sea Cadets to Flotilla 81.