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Good evening. I just wanted to thank you for the training that we received this weekend. I thought you both were wonderful instructors, and I walked away with a whole new outlook on leadership. Thank you so much! It was a wonderful experience, and I just wanted to thank you for sharing your time with all of us.

Thank you! Chrissy H – Curtis Bay, MD

I have had the opportunity to take a number of such courses over my career, but this one was clearly ahead of the others. Primarily for the team building exercises (which really made me think), and the understanding of motivation. The role plays were most effective and I will always think fondly on “Aux Smith”. But the real key to our success was the enthusiasm and knowledge you conveyed effectively. You also conveyed, and instilled, a real pride in the United States Coast Guard and the Auxiliary. Again, thanks for a job well done.

Semper Paratus! Charles P – Carmel, NY

Hi. First, I'd like to thank you for the excellent training. Bravo zulu! Secondly, I'd like to clarify what I meant when I said that you "twinkle". (You looked uncertain when I said that.) Think bright, enthusiastic, welcoming lights. Your eyes actually shine sometimes, especially when you're talking about "Twelve O'Clock High". I guess that may be one of your passions. As my Aussie friend would say, "good on ya, mate!" : ) 

Elaine P – Carmel, NY

My experience at the AUXLAM-B training session was very impressive to me. Although I had much of this training during my professional life, the needs of the Coast Guard Auxiliary expanded my knowledge to support their unique situations. The instructors were very knowledgeable and solicited input from the class most of the time and I believe were given very good responses to their requests. Class participation was exciting and motivated all to provide their views on subjects when so moved to do so.

Anonymous – Cape May, NJ

I am very glad to report that the San Diego offering of AUXLAMS was a great success. The instructors, Michael Brzezicki, PhD. and Robert Thomas (lead), did a great job of presenting the course, while adding many opportunities for the students to learn from their years of experience. The instructors kept the students actively involved and participating throughout the class. After the class, many students commented on how good the course was.

Randy W - San Diego, CA

It was a great experience, learned a lot and looking forward to AUXLAMS-B. You and Ann were fantastic instructors.

Zachary S – Oxnard, CA

I just wanted to say what OUTSTANDING Instructors that I had during LAMS Part A. I can hardly wait for LAMS Part B next week. Cecelia is a great instructor and really knows her stuff and puts things into perspective. I thought when we heard that we were going to have a movie, my immediate reaction was, I will fall asleep. Well, no chance of that. Cecelia had that movie down to a science and stopping it and assessing along the way was absolutely a “spot on” way to teach. I attended another class of hers at the Division Conference and enjoyed her teaching. She is very gracious and explains things so well. She takes the time with you if you don’t understand something and helps you through it. Fred, well, he deserves the Academy Award. His liveliness is phenomenal! What could be very boring material, Fred turns it right around and one is “fully engaged” in the moment. Great way to learn with hands on approach and the final exam was excellent. Fred played so many roles and in doing that, made me really think on my reaction. It was so realistic. One certainly never had time to fall asleep during that whole weekend. The Instructors make LAMS which could be a very boring course but both Cecelia and Fred had us all engaged in such thoughtful scenarios. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant teaching method! See you next week and have a great day!

Barbara S – Hyannis, MA

Carol, Rich, Joe, I wish to thank all three of you for an informative and enjoyable learning experience this past weekend. Remembering all the way back to my days at the Naval Academy, I know that leadership can be a very dry and mind-numbing subject. (At the Academy we referred to it as Leader ZZZ.) AUXLAMS was anything but that. Carol and Rich kept the lessons moving, focused, and interesting. I particularly enjoyed the interactive exercises with the other students. And, as I mentioned to Carol, I learned an invaluable lesson. Those inactive members that I previously considered to be "dead wood" are anything but, and I will redouble my efforts to find ways to include them and take advantage of their talents and experience. Thank you for opening my eyes and my mind to that, and for doing it in a positive manner.

Craig B – Yorktown, VA

Dear Cecilia & Mark: I want to personally thank you for all the time and effort you put in to our class. I'm already using many of the techniques taught in my work as an administrator in my school. Since being in education for 41 years this training is definitely useful to help other staff members in doing their job. The scenarios, even though they were tough, certainly convinced me the AUXLAM'S training was very worthwhile. Thanks again!!

Louis C – Sarasota, FL

Mega thanks for getting the AUXLAMS here. Everybody had fun.

Drew – Anchorage, AK

It was a great class, one I think anyone with any aspirations of being a FSO or above should take.

Steve L – Anchorage, AK

George, Thanks for having the class. It was excellent! I will recommend it to all. I have attended quite a few CGAUX classes and while they were all quite good, the two AUXLAMS I have attended are in a league of their own.

Thanks again, Kathy C – Alexandria, VA

Fred You are assuredly a master teacher, most instructive and enjoyable.

Loren G - Dayton, OH