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Member Qualifications

USCG Auxiliary members must be qualified to perform many of the missions in support of the US Coast Guard. To obtain these qualifications, members undergo training similar to that provided to Coast Guard personnel. Members are generally required to complete training and one or more tests showing their knowledge and proficiency for the skills involved. Once qualified for a specific type of activity, members generally perform a minimum number of missions each year and in some cases attend workshops and perform training tasks to maintain their proficiency. Periodic Re-qualification is required for many activity types with varying
Click on one of the below to find out more

Onboarding Steps
1) Onboarding mentor
2 )In em(ail send instructions with following attachments:

b)Consent document
c)Study Guide
d)New member information doc (MS Word document)
3) Meet in person:
a)Discuss AUX, answer questions
b)Boating Safety course, make certain the field is checked
c)Quiz, score quiz, enter quiz score on application
d)Complete application (review candidate responses; see Application Appendix for explanation)
e)Photocopy proof of U.S. citizenship
f)Set date/time to explore interests
4) Take application and photo copy of proof of citizenship to FSO Qualified Identifier 
5) Review, signs off
6) Paperwork (hard copy) goes to FC
7) FC sends to DIRAUX

After Member Number issued –
1)Need photo ID in uniform shirt of some kind (ODU or Tropical Blue)
2)When Member number issues FSO-CS is notified to do –
a) Send member the instructions for setting up password on AUXDATA and Flotilla website Members Only
b) Add to Flotilla Google Group

New Member Onboarding Folder

 (Click Here)



New Member Information Documents Folder

(Click Here) 


The Basic Qualification Course II

(Click Here)

Aux Core Training  (AUXCT)
  Course Name  Course # Frequency
Workforce Resilience Training  502379 Initial, every 5 yrs
Security Fundamentals  810030 Initial, every 5 yrs
Privacy at DHS/Protecting Personal Information  810015 Initial, every 5 yrs
Sexual Harassment Prevention  810000 Initial, every 5 yrs
Civil Rights Awareness  502319 Initial, every 5 yrs 
Ethics 1/Personal Gifts  502306 One time  
Basic Qualification Course II (Seven Modules)  BQC II One time  

Aux Core Training  (AUXCT)
  Course Name  Course #  Initial, every 5 yrs
Boating Safety Course                                              NASBLA One time
Clicking on the Course number will take you to the training section or manual


Ref: Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual, COMDTINST M16794.51, pages 3-1 thru 3-6, 4-1 thru 4-5, and 5-1 thru 5-5.

Auxiliary Boat Crew Qualification Guide, Volume I: Crew Member, COMDTINST M16794.52, pages 5-1 thru 5-5

Primary Mission - Train and qualify members to operate Auxiliary vessel facilities under Coast Guard patrol orders.

Qualification - Basic level of boating knowledge, physical ability to perform task, completion of task in the crew qualification guide and QE sign off of oral exam and check ride Annual - Must log eight hours underway on orders, perform the following task each calendar year: pre-underway checkoff, man overboard evolution as a recovery/pickup man, pass a towline to another boat, take it into a stern tow and bring it to an alongside tow. Annual currency maintenance task requirements may be satisfied while on any operational or training mission.

Re-Qualification - Fails to meet currency requirement for one year or two consecutive years may be recertified by meeting annual currency under the supervision of a certified coxswain. Fails to meet currency requirement for three consecutive years may be recertified by meeting annual currency and complete a check ride signed off by certified coxswain if a QE is not reasonably available. Fails to meet currency requirement for four consecutive years may be recertified by meeting annual currency and complete a check ride signed off by a QE. Fails to meet currency requirement for five consecutive years will lose their qualification.

Notes - Currency maintenance is carried out in a five-year cycle. Year one thru four maybe signed off by a certified coxswain or crew member. Year five must be signed off by a QE.

 Boat Crew and QE Resources Online
(Click Here)

Boat Crew Folder


Ref: Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual, COMDTINST M16794.51, pages 3-1 thru 3-6, 4-1 thru 4-5, and 5-1 thru 5-5.

Auxiliary Boat Crew Qualification Guide, Volume II: Coxswain, COMDTINST M16794.53, pages A-1 thru A-5

Primary Mission - Train and qualify members with the skills and knowledge for safe and effective performance as a PWC Operator to operate Auxiliary vessel facilities under Coast Guard patrol orders.

Qualification - Physical ability to perform task, completion of task in the PWC Operator qualification guide and QE sign off of oral exam and check ride. Qualified boat crew or coxswain only need to complete those qualification tasks specific to operating a PWC.
Annual - Must log eight hours underway on orders at the level qualified, e.g., Coxwains must log eight hours as Coxswain), and perform /assist with the following tasks each calendar year: pre-underway check-off, man overboard evolution as a recovery/pickup person, pass a towline to another boat, take it in a stern tow and bring it to an alongside tow.
Annual currency maintenance task requirements may be satisfied while on any operational or training mission.

Re-Qualification - None identified

Notes - Currency maintenance is carried out in a five-year cycle. Year one thru four maybe signed off by a certified coxswain. Coxswains may sign off completion of their own tasks, as well as those of their crew. Year five must be signed off by a QE.
These currency requirements may be signed off by a QE at any time in the five-year cycle. Doing so will start a new five-year cycle.
A member may downgrade to crew member level by meeting currency requirements for crew member.
Coxswain must be Navigation Rules exam qualified and maintain qualification. The coxswain must pass an open book (re-qualification) Auxiliary Navigation Rules exam with a minimum score of 90%.

Boat Crew Folder


Vessel Safety Check Manual, COMDTINST M16796.8, Page 6

Primary Mission - Vessel Safety Check (VSC) on recreational boats generally under 65 feet

Qualification - Complete the open book exam within a three hours time limit and pass the VE exam with a passing score of 90%. In addition, perform five VSCs under the supervision of a certified VE. The certified VE determines whether or not the examination was satisfactory and provides specific, instructional feedback to the qualifying member to further assist in the qualification process. The certified VE trainer is credited with the five VSCs performed.

Annual - VE must complete at least five VSC each calendar year

Re-Qualification - If any qualified VE fails to perform the annual certification procedures within the last five years, they must complete two satisfactory VSCs under the supervision of a certified VE in order to regain their certification. The certifying VE receives the credit for the two recertification VSCs. The candidate must then meet the requirements as stated in the Annual Certification Procedures above to retain their certification.

Notes - For the Coast Guard Auxiliary, VEs may also examine Uninspected Passenger Vessels and Commercial Fishing Vessels.

Vessel Examiner (VE) Folder
(Click Here)



The USCG Auxiliary’s AUXPAD program is intended to provide safety interventions specifically aimed at paddlers, demonstrating, through on-shore instruction and on-water example, how to recognize, avoid and mitigate dangerous situations. Broad AUXPAD missions include:

• Promoting life jacket wear and compliance with Coast Guard-required safety equipment  within the paddlecraft community;
• Promoting paddlecraft education and skills, both ashore and on the water, through our partnership with the American Canoe Association; and
• Creating opportunities for Auxiliarist to develop

WOW Web Page


What does a Watch Stander do?

Answer the phones - contact with general public and Coast Guard members Answer VHF radio transmissions. Maintain radio contact will all Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary units in the area. Control entry to the Coast Guard Station Maintain an accurate log of all events while on the watch.

What is required to be a Watch Stander?
Auxiliary members need to commit to being available on a regular basis (subject to work and home life).You must pass a DO (Direct Optional) security check.You need to have familiarity with the areaYou must be willing to deal with people in stressful situations, follow established protocols, and help effect a positive outcome.
How do you become a Watch Stander?

You need to pass - AOR (Area of Responsibility) test on local charts. Working with your mentors, complete the Communication Watch Stander Qualification Guide (PQS).You must have taken the Introduction to Risk Management class available on the Auxiliary Learning Web Site.The 4 Hour TCT refresher is required every year.Pass a qualification board. Note - the PQS and process is exactly the same for Auxiliary members as it is for Active Duty.
Coast Guard Watchstander Folder


Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual, COMDTINST M16794.51, pages 3-1 thru 3-6, 4-1 thru 4-5, and 5-1 thru 5-5.

Auxiliary Boat Crew Qualification Guide, Volume III: PWC Operator, COMDTINST M16794.54, pages 1-1 thru 1-9

Primary Mission - Train and qualify members with the skills and knowledge for safe and effective performance as a PWC Operator to operate Auxiliary vessel facilities under Coast Guard patrol orders.

Qualification - Physical ability to perform task, completion of task in the PWC Operator qualification guide and QE sign off of oral exam and check ride. Qualified boat crew or coxswain only need to complete those qualification tasks specific to operating a PWC.

Annual - Must log eight hours underway on orders, perform the following task each calendar year: pre-underway checkoff, dismount and remount a PWC in deep water, pick-up a conscious person and transport to shore, pass a towline to another PWC and take in stern tow.

Re-Qualification - None identified

Notes - Currency maintenance is carried out in a five-year cycle. Year one thru four maybe signed off by a certified PWC operator. Year five must be signed off by a QE. The PWC Operator must pass an open book Auxiliary Navigation Rules exam with a minimum score of 90%, complete a PFD swim, and maneuver through a buoyed slalom course.



Ref: Instructor Qualification Course Part A,COMDTPUB M16794.44, Pages 1-3 and 1-4 Instructor Qualification Course Part B, COMDTPUB M16794.45 Instructor Qualification Process, 16794, dated 04/03/97

Primary Mission - Promote boating safety via Auxiliary Public Education courses,

Qualification - Complete the open book exam within a three hours time limit and pass the IT exam with a passing score of 90%. In addition, complete the practical part A and B by demonstrating proficiency in preparing lessons plans and making presentations. Teach two classes under the supervision of a previously qualified instructor. or apply for waiver of qualification as an IT.

Annual - Must teach two hours or serve as an assistant Instructor for four hours each year.
Re-Qualification -


Ref: Telecommunications Division, Comms Bulletin #8, Mobil Radio Patrol Requirements, April 2000
Auxiliary Rapid Response Team – Communications (ARRT-C), Bulletin #14

Primary Mission - Provide immediate land based communications support at the scene of a major incident involving the resources of the U. S. Coast Guard

Qualification - Hand selected by DSO-CM, ADSO-CMW, and ADSO-CMP, passed the Auxiliary Specialty Course in Communications and qualified through ICS-200 within six months after joining the team.

Annual - Attend mandatory training sessions, viewing the video shall constitute compliance

Re-Qualification - None identified

Notes - The above are specific to D11N Must have the required equipment, such as 2 meter radio, handheld radio (Marine Band), GPS receiver, compass, flashlight, Uniform, and personnel equipment (handheld direction finding system, extra batteries, Auxiliary Life Jacket, Foul Weather Gear, Rubber Boots, and etc.).

Mobile Radio Communications Folder


Ref: Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual, COMDTINST M16798.3

Coast Guard Auxiliary Air Operations Training Text, COMDTINST M16798.5
Auxiliary Air Crew Qualification Program, COMDTINST M16798.2

Primary Mission - Provide the Auxiliary pilot with a capable assistant during all phases of aviation missions. Such as observer, radio communications, weather gathering and recording, navigation in both visual and instrument meteorological conditions, and visual and instrument approaches to airports.

Qualification -Aviation background, pass the medical screening process, and must first be certified as an Auxiliary air observer. Once certified as an observer, may proceed to Aircrew training which consists of satisfactory completion of the open book exam and a minimum of five hours of air crew flight training.

Annual -

Re-Qualification -

Notes - Medical screening will be valid for 24 months for members 40 and older, and 36 months for members under 40. Members must have a valid medical screening on file to maintain their air crew certification.


The Auxiliary Trident Training program is
designed to train Auxiliarists to support Coast Guard Sectors. Training for
most qualifications is done by active duty or reserve Coast Guard personnel,
not by Auxiliarists.

Training opportunities and policies vary from Sector to
Sector so members should check with their MS Staff chain of leadership to
determine the opportunities and policies in their Sector. You may start this
qualification if your membership is AP or IQ, but you must have BQ status to
complete this qualification.

Coast Guard Auxiliary Marine Safety program
Marine Safety Performance
Qualification Standards (PQS)
Marine Safety courses
Take ICS 100 & 700 courses
Take the Introduction to Marine Safety and Environmental Protection (IMSEP) and GoodMate exams
Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Resources on the web Auxiliary Trident Training Program


The Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary have a key, community outreach
program called the "Recreational Boating Safety Visitation Program".

If you believe in supporting recreational boating safety to make our waterways safer for everyone, then become an RBS Program Visitor. You may start this
qualification if your membership is AP or IQ, but you must have BQ status to complete this qualification.

Recreational Boating Safety
Partner Visitation Program
Take the Recreational
Boating Safety Program Visitor Exam
RBS-VP Manual



Coastie is a fully animated robot; he moves, speaks, listens, and activates his lights and horns all

by remote control. He can wink, blink and move his eyes.

VERSATILE: He can be used with great success in school classrooms, assemblies, parades, boat
shows, parades, fairs, and any other setting where you are presenting your program.

EFFECTIVE: Shaped like a real boat, Coastie is an ideal symbol for the United States Coast Guard and the Flotilla. He is just the right size for teaching children. He can communicate with children at their eye level; and when he moves he is not at all threatening. He is perfect for hugs and kisses from
small friends. With his rotating beacon, spotlight, horn, and siren he is highly visible. He will make public relations programs both fun and effective, and will help teach valuable water safety concepts to children.

FEATURES: Coastie features a durable detailed boat shaped body, molded of strong impact resistant plastic. He weighs about 100 lbs., is 44" long, 30" wide, and 45" tall. His body comes pre-painted bright blue.

FULLY MOBILE: Electric drive motors and radio control system give Coastie complete mobility by remote control.

VOICE SYSTEM: A two-way wireless voice system allows the operator to both talk and listen simultaneously. The voice modifier gives Coastie a cartoon character voice.

SIREN: Operator controlled siren.

WATER SQUIRTER: Easily refillable water squirting system that shoots a stream of water about twenty-five feet. Effective for parades and outside events.

LIGHTS: The navigation lights on both sides of Coastie switch on and off by remote control. He also has a single rotating amber beacon. Spotlight is CURRENTLY INOPERABLE

HORNS: The air horn is activated by remote control.- CURRENTLY INOPERABLE

RECHARGEABLE BATTERY: The sealed maintenance-free battery (12 Volt AH) is used to power Coastie. It is recharged with a 10 amp automatic charger. The radio control transmitter comes with a rechargeable NiCad battery and charger. There are spare batteries for both the robot and radio control.

MOVING EYES: Eyes move left and right by remote control.

MOVING EYELIDS: Eyelids open and close separately, allowing Coastie to wink, blink, and go to sleep, all by remote control.

Coastie Folder


Dedicated men and women who volunteer their time, talent, and resources to enhance and improve boating safety on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.