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The Auxiliary Leadership and Management School (AUXLAMS) is a unique 36-hour course which develops leadership and management skills for supervisors and mid-level managers through an experience-based curriculum. This course is targeted for Auxiliary personnel.  Emphasis is placed on classroom discussion of the various Coast Guard Leadership Competencies. Students should use this knowledge to lead their workgroups to understand and commit to organizational missions and goals. Class objectives are accomplished by group discussion, designed experiential activities, and facilitated discussion by subject matter experts. Students are required to demonstrate competence in the objectives through scenario-based exercises, survival exercises, and written homework. 

AUXLAMS (AUX02A & AUX02B) is the Coast Guard LAMS course, adapted for the volunteer Auxiliary environment.  It is based on the Leadership Competencies, which lay the foundation for all leadership skills necessary to successful leadership in the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary.  This is a facilitated and interactive course dealing with Self-Awareness, Motivation, Strategic Leadership, Team Building, Ethics, Conflict Management, and Performance Problem Solving.  AUXLAMS is the foundation course of the Auxiliary Leadership Continuum.

Course Topics:

Leading Self
Self-Awareness & Learning
Leading Others
Effective Communications
Influencing Others
Team Building
Leading Performance & Change
Decision Making & Problem Solving
Conflict Management
Leading the Coast Guard Auxiliary
Human Resource Management

Innovative Course Features:

Activities to stimulate the thought processes needed to be an effective leader.

Roadshow training format:

The course is taught in 2 ½ day sessions at the National N-Train and NACON events. Elected leaders at all levels of the organization should take this course and will be given top priority.  However, Auxiliary personnel currently active in any leadership position are eligible for this course.  Other Auxiliarists interested in becoming leaders may also attend as long as the class size does not exceed 35 students. Districts sponsor the AUX 02 courses to assist their members as well as to host members from around the country to their training venue.

There are a set number of funded seats to each session on a first come basis via AFC56 (training monies) that allow member from greater than 50 miles away from the training location to travel and government expense. There are slots available for those that wish to get the training but live closer than 50 miles or who wish to self- fund themselves on no-cost orders.

Completion of pre-course work is required to receive a certificate of accomplishment.

Self-Assessments: Students complete the Big 5 Personality Assessment, the ‘X-Y Theory’ Questionnaire, a Values Exercise, a Conflict Styles Assessment, the Volunteer Motivation Inventory and use the feedback to customize their leadership communications style.

Instructing for skill transfer:  Instructors challenge and support students as they apply course learning to improve their leadership performance.

Diverse student cohort: Students learn from each other as much as they learn from the instructors. Through homework, assignments and networking during the session students learn to work together to complete assignments as a team.