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Thank you for using our on-line collateral request form. Use this form if you need:

  • Brochures
  • Flyers
  • Envelopes
  • Certificates
  • Newsletters / Newsletter Headers
  • Invitations
  • Advertising
  • Print Public Service Announcements
  • Other types of print projects

Please fill out the form below, completing every field.  Creative Services also provides professional audio, graphics, videos, PowerPoint presentations, web pages, and other services to Auxiliarists.

We can assist with District, Division, and Flotilla level projects as time, resources and skills permit.

In order to process your job smoothly and in a timely manner, please complete this entire form. This is essential information. If you do not have the information, or don't know the information, please contact someone in your District, Division or Flotilla who can help you.

You will be contacted by one of our Creative Services staff members.

I have read the Guidelines for Creative Requests
Yes No

General Information for Collateral Request:

Description of the item you are requesting (examples: new ABC course brochure, AuxAir Recruiting Vehicle, Coastie Fun Book). Please write out acronyms!

Today's Date: 

Due Date:        

Contact Information:

Name of Requester: 

Title of Requester: 


Phone Numbers: 

Point of Contact's Time Zone and Best Time to Call

Project Information:

Purpose of the Item You Are Requesting (example: pass brochures out at ABC Classes, or dockside VSCs, training materials). Please be specific!

 Who is Your Audience? (example: other Auxiliarists, general boating public, children, staff officers, conference participants)

Is this a new item or a revision of an existing item?
New Item Revision of Existing Item

Is this is a revision of an existing item, can you supply a copy of the existing item?
Hardcopy Softcopy Both Neither

How many pages (newsletters or booklets) or folds (for brochures) will the final product have? ( a flat piece such as a poster should be listed as "0")

Do you require a specific paper stock? (example: glossy, heavy, textured, light)
Yes Type No

What is the size of the finished product? (Indicate size of the item when it is folded or bound)

Will this collateral item also be distributed as a computer download?
Yes No

Printing Specifics

Will you be delivering the final item to a commercial printer or will you print the item yourself?
Printed by Commercial Printer Printing Item Myself

If this item is being printed by a commercial printer, is funding in place?
Yes No, it is being supplied pro bono Not using a commercial printer

Document Specifics

Will you be sending the item to other Auxiliarists to use in their own documents?
Yes No

Will you supply all of the text or does the text need to be written for you?
Text Will Be Supplied Text Needs To Be Written Combination of the Two

Do you require photographs in your product?
Yes No

If you require photographs, can you supply SCANABLE photos of adequate resolution (Not taken with a digital camera)?
Yes No Photographs not required

General Project Comments or Instructions

Comments or Instructions You would like to make

Submitted by:

Your Email Address:

Type PA%wh1ot here (anti-SPAM) :

Thank you for using our on-line request form.  You will be contacted by one of our Creative Services staff members.