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Coasties Operators Guide & Manuals

 Coastie posting with CG Plane

Coastie Training

Coastie Training is mandatory for an operator to use “Coastie” at boat shows, parades, or your PA events.

Coastie shipped from a CG Plane
Petty Officer 2nd Class Keith Alholm, USCG D17 

This class is for members who want to become Coastie Operators. Coastie the Safety Boat was purchased as a major public educational tool to convey boating and water safety to the public, with focus on the juvenile audience. Coastie represents a significant financial outlay and as such mandates the use of trained instructors and handlers. Coastie may be used at boat shows, parades, schools, hospitals, and any other event where a favorable image of the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary and boating safety message may be conveyed. Coastie should be used with a minimum of two Auxiliarists; the “handler” is responsible for Coastie’s movements and is Coastie’s voice through a 2-way radio link, the second Auxiliarist is out in front of the audience to convey the boating safety message. The use and impact of Coastie is limited only by the creativity and ability of the instructor/handler team. Anyone desiring to schedule the use of Coastie is required to attend a Coastie training session and become fully qualified to operate this machine. Training consists of a full day of use and care instructions of Coastie along with actual “hands on” operations. Members who successfully complete the Coastie training program will receive a certificate authorizing them the use of Coastie and be added to the District Coastie Authorized Operators list.

Coastie Operating Manuals

These manuals are available in PDF format.

Remote Control (RC) Manuals

Coastie Care

Robotronics is the creator of Coastie. Suggestions for Robot Care and Cleaning Instructions for Coastie are provided by Robotronics.

This is an official United States Coast Guard Auxiliary website for the public’s information. Our postings do not endorse this site or anything on it, including links to other sites, and we disclaim responsibility and liability for the site and its content.
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