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Learning Aides

Coast Guard Culinary Assistance Practical Handbook 

Coast Guard Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Manual

Coast Guard Auxiliary Manual

Introduction to the AuxCA Program (2017) - Slide show  


Classroom Hand Outs

AUXCA Inquiry/Member Information Sheet  - (AUXCA050) - to be filled out by prospective AUXCA member

Courtesy and Protocol - information hand out

PQS for AUXCA Rev: 01APR2019 - Current PQS Form

Assignment to Duty - information from 5SR DIRAUX 

AuxMan Changes (1) - basic changes regarding AuxCA Program

AuxMan Changes (2) - updated grooming standards 

Hepatitis "A" Vaccine - USCG Memorandum of Support

Sanitation Training - hand outs



Class Completion Certificate Blank - (AUXCA025) - to be signed off by AUXCA Instructor 

Approval of an AUXCA Instructor - (AUXCA015) - to be filled out by a current AuxCA Instructor and sent to the District Personnel 

After Course Completion Certificates

Instructor/DSO-CA Certification of  PQS Completion  - (AUXCA020) 

- AUXCA can be entered into AUXDATA

- to be signed off by AUXCA Instructor and DSO-CA

DIRAUX Certification of PQS Completion and Qualification  -  to be signed off by DIRAUX