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Commercial Fishing is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. Each year many fishermen and women are lost. To mitigate the danger, the US Coast Guard, in conjunction with other federal agencies, enforce regulations relating to fishing vessel safety. Currently most fishing vessel examinations done by either the Coast Guard or the Coast Guard Auxiliary are voluntary, and many vessels are never examined unless there is a reportable casualty. The Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2010 changes the requirements for examinations from voluntary to mandatory for the majority of commercial fishing vessels. The Act increases the requirements for safe practices, appropriate manning levels, and for drills and emergency procedures. While responsibility for commercial fishing vessel safety continues to rest with the boat owners and operators, the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary will provide increased oversight of safety practices and regulatory compliance.
As elements of the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2010 are implemented, the Auxiliary will need to train additional personnel to assist the active duty Coast Guard to perform commercial fishing vessel examinations. Opportunities will exist in all areas of the country, but especially along the coastal areas.
The Commercial Fishing Vessel Examiner Personal Qualification Standard (PQS) outlines the requirements to become a CFVE. The qualification for Auxiliary members is exactly the same as for active duty and reserve personnel. A high degree of professionalism and acceptance of responsibility is required for the qualification, as well as an ongoing commitment to improve the safety outcomes for the fishing vessel industry. There is a formal education requirement, either from your local sector or the CFVE C-School at Training Center Yorktown, and a significant period of on-the-job training before being ready to sit for an oral board and subsequent receipt of a Letter of Designation as a Commercial Fishing Vessel Examiner.
Commercial Fishing Vessel (CFV) Safety Program Management; USCG Auxiliary CFV Examiner and Dockwalking Augmentation
Marine Safety Information Bulletins
Clarification of Mandatory Safety Exams for Commercial Fishing Vessels
CFV Safety Alerts
Marine Safety Alerts pertaining to Commercial Fishing Vessels: Safety Alerts
CFVSE Orientation Presentation.pptx
CFVE Refresher Training Presentation (V-6a).pptx
Annex V Garbage Disposal Requirements (PDF - 22.6 KB)
CFVE Publications & References
Voluntary Safety Initiatives and Good Marine Practices for Commercial Fishing Vessels
Voluntary Safety Initiatives and Good Marine Practices Checklist and
Examination Guide (Print Exam Guide Note)
Links of Interest:
Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Safety
The Fish Safe website is a website maintained by the US Coast Guard which contains numerous forms, guides, reports, regulations and other information regarding the Commercial Fishing Industry.
Fishing Vessel Safety Division (CG-CVC-3)
Miscellaneous Information:
Clarification of VE Role issued by the USCG Auxiliary V Directorate