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The Coast Guard Auxiliary is actively working with key USCG partner organizations to formalize the establishment of an Auxiliary Cybersecurity Augmentation program (AUXCYBER). The program is being established to allow qualified Auxiliarists with a broad range of expertise in cybersecurity and cyberspace operations to augment the Coast Guard cyberspace workforce.

As the missions and responsibilities of the Coast Guard have expanded, so has the need for cybersecurity personnel to perform missions in support of different Coast Guard commands. Auxiliarists in the AUXCYBER program may support Coast Guard Cyber Command (CGCYBER), its units, and Coast Guard commands at the Area, District, and Sector level in cybersecurity activities including the following.
  • Cybersecurity Outreach, Awareness, Education, and Training
  • Facilities/Vessel Inspections (Cyber)
  • Review of Cybersecurity Amendments of Facility Security Plans and Facility Security Assessments
  • Cyber Exercise Support
  • CGCYBER Cyber Protection Team (CPT) Augmentation
  • CGCYBER Maritime Cyber Readiness Branch (MCRB) Augmentation
  • Cybersecurity for Recreational Boating Safety Missions
In December 2022, CGCYBER issued CGCYBER Instruction 16790.1 outlining the Auxiliary Cybersecurity Augmentation Program.

How To Get Involved

For Current Auxiliarists:
Current Auxiliarists are invited to express interest by completing the ANSC 7071 AUXCYBER Application Form. This initiates the current process. You will be contacted and provided an Application Form to submit along with an optional resume. 

For Nonmembers or Former Auxiliarists:
This volunteer program is only available to current Coast Guard Auxiliarists. If you are interested in joining the Auxiliary to assist in the cybersecurity mission, please check out this opportunity for specific recruitment to support the Auxiliary and Coast Guard.

In addition to the membership requirements for all Auxiliarists, members of the program must:
  • Hold at least the Basic Qualified (BQ) membership status 
  • Be current in Auxiliary Core Training (AUXCT) and Initial Risk Management/Team Coordination Training (RM/TCT) 
  • Have their Flotilla Commander notified of participation 
  • Be in good standing with no suitability concerns 
  •  Be able to receive a favorable Auxiliary Personnel Security Investigation (PSI) at the Direct Operations (DO) level 
  • Be eligible to receive access to Coast Guard information and/or networks with an Auxiliary Logical Access Card (ALAC)

Frequently Asked Questions

Coming Soon... 

In the interim, please send any questions to