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Auxiliary Order Management (AOM) System
AOM is a web based program and require no additional program to run it other than your internet browser. AOM works with the following browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer 8 and up (JavaScript enabled) and Chrome. AOM works best with the Firefox browser.
An Order Issuing Authority, regardless of location, based on local Standard Operating Procedures can issue Patrol Orders for their Area of Responsibility (AOR) to any qualified Auxiliary Facility/Operator from any location using AOM.
Primary Functions
1. Request/Issue Patrol Orders
2. Check on status or orders (approved/completed/sent to FINCEN)
3. Complete orders
4. Verify/Approve Reimbursements
AOM Specific Information
Visit the website for AOM status, help, access, patrol order status, documents i.e. User's Guide, Management Reports.
• Every member has an account in AUXDATA. Only a limited number of members actually have access to AUXDATA. You do not need AUXDATA access to have an account/access to AOM.
• If you have AUXDATA (not AUXINFO or Aux Directory) access, your AUXDATA and AOM user name and passwords will be the same. Changing the password in one account will also change the password in the other.
• If you have not received an email stating that your account has been created and that you have a user id, you do not have access to AOM. Please contact your OIA or AOM Administrator and request to be entered into the (Training or Production) AOM blade for your sector/location
• There is a draft user guide located on the first screen past the security notice screen.
• Any questions, problems or feedback should be submitted through the help desk link available within the program or from the first page of AOM.
• AOM will submit your patrol information directly to AUXDATA so you do not fill out a 7030 anymore. Your SO-IS will be advised by e-mail of the AUXDATA entry.
"How to" Guides
A FAQs page is available at:
Training Information is located at:
Orders Reimbursement Status
The U.S. Coast Guard Finance Center provides a webpage for members to check on the reimbursement status of their patrol orders. After entering your patrol order number, a printable Reimbursement Detail Status Report will appear with specifics about the reimbursement if the Finance Center has processed the order for reimbursement.
If patrol order reimbursement has not yet been processed by the Financial Center for the specified order, a message will appear that reads: "No Auxiliary Reports meeting your criteria". You should then try again at a later date. Reimbursement information for a given order is available for 3 months following its posting.