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Thank you for using our on-line audio request form. Use this form if you need:

Radio Spots 

Voice Tracks for Presentations


Background Music

Sound Effects or Clips 

Please fill out the form below, completing every field. Creative Services also provides professional graphics, videos, PowerPoint presentations, web pages, and other services to Auxiliarists.

We can assist with District, Division, and Flotilla level projects as time, resources and skills permit.

In order to process your job smoothly and in a timely manner, please complete this entire form. This is essential information. If you do not have the information, or don't know the information, please contact someone in your District, Division or Flotilla who can help you.

You will be contacted by one of our Creative Services staff members.

I have read the Guidelines for Creative Requests
Yes No

General Information

Description of the item you are requesting.  Please write out acronyms!

 Today's Date

Due Date

Person Completing Form (Point of Contact)

Point of Contact's e mail Address

Point of Contact's Phone Numbers

Point of Contact's Time Zone & Best Time to Call

Project Information

Purpose of the Audio you are requesting (example: to narrate a stand-alone presentation).  Please be specific!

Who is Your Audience?  (example: other Auxiliarists, general boating public, children, staff officers, conference participants)

Is this a new audio or a revision of an existing audio?
New Audio  Revision of Existing Audio

If this is a revision of an existing Audio, can you supply a copy of the existing Audio?
Yes No

What will the length of the audio be?

Will this audio also be distributed as a computer download?
Yes No

How will final audio be distributed?

Is funding in place for this project?

Audio Specifics

What format should the final audio be delivered in (examples:DVD CD, wav file, air file)?

Will you supply all of the script or does the script need to be written for you?
Script Will Be Supplied
Script Needs To Be Written
Combination of the Two

General Project Comments or Instructions

Comments or instructions you would like to make

Type PA%wh1ot here (anti-SPAM) :



Thank you for using our on-line request form.  You will be contacted by one of our Creative Services staff members.