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BQII Course for new members

Effective February 1, 2018, all newly enrolled members of the Auxiliary are required to complete the BQII course in order to obtain BQ status. Auxiliarists, in AP status prior to February 1, 2018 are not required to take the BQII course, although it is highly recommended. The BQII course can be found on the Auxiliary T-Directorate Website.

Core (Mandated) Training Reminder

This is a reminder that Core (mandated) training is required. Several members of the flotilla have not completed all of the training. You are directed to the "Member Training" tab on this website (under "Members Only") for more information. For those requiring leadership training or a 4 hour Team Coordination Training (TCT) please look at the Training section or contact FSO-MT Patrick J. Logan: [email protected].

Please submit any suggestions for additions, deletions, or changes to our webmaster Richard Mansfield Olsen: [email protected]