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Auxiliary Telecommunications emblem 

About the Telecommunications Program

The Auxiliary Communications Team (ACT) is composed of communications specialists who provide support and guidance to 8WR Divisions and Flotillas for the effective performance of their communications responsibilities.  ACT also provides expertise in the planning for communications events including providing personnel who are trained in the Incident Management System (ICS), as Radio Operators (RADOS) and other personnel who are certified ICS Communications Leaders (COML), ICS Communications Technicians (COMT).

In certain situations, ACT becomes a first-line emergency communications provider, primarily when requested by regular Coast Guard commands.  Other occurrences are where Auxiliary units are overwhelmed or under-staffed, specialized equipment and/or technical personnel are required, or communications interoperability with allied agencies is needed. 

Telecommunication Operators (TCOs) are an important element in the safety of surface and air patrols. In addition, they represent the Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary to the marine public and serve an important public relations function. As a focus of contact with the maritime community, TCOs require a high level of professionalism, responsiveness, and experience in order to relate to and handle the many diverse marine incidents that may be reported. Training and experience are particularly critical for TCOs.

Auxiliary communications are not bound into a rigidly structured operational system but rather consist of fixed land stations, land mobile stations and direction finder stations that have been accepted by the Director of the Auxiliary as radio facilities. The primary purposes of the Auxiliary communications network are:

  • Assisting national resources in time of disaster ("contingency communications")
  • Augmenting the Coast Guard communications system, when required ("contingency communications")
  • Communicating urgent matters of official Auxiliary business ("operational communications")
  • Coordinating authorized Auxiliary activities in support of Coast Guard Operations ("operational communications")
  • Training

In many cases, Auxiliarists will operate radio facilities in conjunction with authorized surface and air missions. They will, at that time use authorized government frequencies in designated bands. Other program activities of radio facilities include operation in the HF Contingency Communications Program and other CG Unit communications operations.


In order to stand watch at an auxiliary communication facility, a Basically Qualified Auxiliarist must complete the Auxiliary Telecommunications Qualification Standard unless authorized as a result of previous completion of the Auxiliary Communications Specialty Courseprior to 1 August 2008.  In order to act as a watchstander at a CG communications facility, Auxiliarists must complete all requirements as specified by the Commanding Officer or Officer in Charge of the CG unit in question.

An auxiliary radio facility does not require a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license when operating while assigned to duty or performing a mission directed or scheduled by the U S Coast Guard.

Auxiliary Communications Specialty Course (AUXCOM)

AUXCOMfocuses on radio communications for the Auxiliary and Coast Guard, providing broad knowledge of the fundamental principles underlying communications systems in use by both the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary.  The training materials for AUXCOM are available to members as part of an on-line AUXCOM course in the Auxiliary Learning Management System (AUXLMS).

Radio Facility

Mobile HF/VHF/UHF TransceiverAn Auxiliary Radio Facility does not require a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license when operating while assigned to duty or performing a mission directed or scheduled by the U S Coast Guard.

Auxiliarists owning or operating Fixed Land, Land Mobile, or DF Radio Facilities must complete the Auxiliary Telecommunications Operator Personal Qualification Standard (TCO PQS) training or must have completed the Communications Specialty (AUXCOM) course prior to 1 August 2008.

Handheld VHF FM Transceiver A radio facility may be offered for use by an Auxiliarist and, if it meets requirements for that type of facility, it may be accepted by DIRAUX (OTO).  The facility owner must arrange for an initial inspection of the facility and, thereafter, a re-inspection every three years from the date of acceptance for use.  Radio equipment used on a surface or air facility is considered and inspected as part of that facility.  In general, the operator of a radio facility must maintain radio logs and formal message logs.  Under ordinary conditions, Auxiliary radio facilities operate according to the Telecommunications Manual COMDTINST M2000.3.

Annual Training

  • Operations Workshop - REQUIRED
  • Telecommunications Workshop – Now REQUIRED.

TCO/PQS Student Manuals:

Regulations/Procedures, Training/Qualification & Program Operations Guides and Manuals

TCO/PQS Supplemental Publications:

  • Light List, Vol. 1-7, COMDTINST M16502 (series) (PDF)

NOTE: As applicable to the local area.  Contact the DSO-CM to obtain the current list.  Lists are published weekly.

AUXOP Training:


Radio tower graphic