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Flotilla 12-7 What's New!

New Class Offering: Weekend Navigator

Navigation has changed since the “old days” when navigators plotted a course relying on dead-reckoning and seeing a buoy was a bonus. Today we have inexpensive Global Positioning Systems (GPS) - even in our cell phones - that can enable you to pinpoint your position anywhere on the face of the earth. However, while electronics can be very helpful, easy to use, and accurate, they can also break or quit. Knowing how to navigate with electronics is useful, but knowing how to navigate the traditional way using dividers, parallel rulers, and a compass could make the difference between survival and a catastrophe.

The Coast Guard Auxiliary's Weekend Navigator course combines our Basic Navigation Course, and our Advanced Navigation course, which can be taught separately.
The basic portions of Weekend Navigator are designed to give the student the rudiments of navigation by using GPS, and the back-up skill of navigation using charts, navigation plotting tools, and dead-reckoning. The intent is to provide the student with a solid foundation with emphasis on technique and not blind reliance on electronics. GPS will be mentioned and discussed as it relates to plotting waypoints, etc.
The advanced portion of the course covers the use of GPS and other electronic devices in more technical detail as well as some more sophisticated traditional navigation skills as back-ups. An added segment covers fuel management, which is the final crucial issue for all power boat navigation.

 More Info 

Presented by Flotilla 114­12­07

Marina Del Rey, CA

Course: Weekend Navigator
Start Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2017
End Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2017
Hours: 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Duration: 10 Weeks
Location: Del Rey Yacht Club
13900 Palawan Way
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Contact: Allen Bakalyar
[email protected]
(310) 720­9911
Course Cost: $85

Geli Harris Photo Featured In National Magazine

Angelika "Geli" Harris's photo of her service in the coast guard's helicopter operations was featured in the current issue of the Coast Guard Auxiliary national magazine, the Navigator.  Auxiiliary volunteers like Geli perform a critical duty in training the coast guards helicopter rescue teams.  The auxiliary volunteers serve as test evacuees so that coast guard pilots and swimmers can hone their rescue skills.