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Flotilla 8-3 Member Training


The Auxiliary Learning Management System AUXLMS is the location to complete the USCG Auxiliary mandatory learning sessions that members need to complete.  New members beginning in 2014 must complete the sessions in their first year.


Ralph and Suzanne Tomlinson from 8WR Div 33 conduct most of the AUXOP classes via the Internet uti-lizing webinars and a virtual class-room. The webinars will be led by two instructors making use of video, live audio/chat, cameras and other presentation materials.

Each webinar lasts approximately 90 minutes at usually starts at 1930 Central Time. The virtual classroom is a secure interactive website that allows students to post questions and discuss problems, obtain helpful links and ancillary material, and get communication from the instructors.

If you are interested, contact Ralph Tomlinson via email at [email protected] . He and Suzanne will add you to their email distribution list. Then, several weeks before the next class offering, they will send you an electronic invitation.

Division 8 Joint Flotilla Training

Mon, 22 Jan 18   Posted by: Roger Huner
Flotilla 8-1 hosts Training for members of all our Flotillas at the Coast Guard Station in East Peoria on the third Saturday of each month.  The training runs from 10:00 to 16:00 and includes topics like Coastal Navigation, First Aid and CPR, and other courses to prepare you to become AuxOPs qualified.