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Flotilla 12-8 Member Training


Welcome to the Member Training page! Here you can find information on local training, mandatory courses, and other training opportunities!

More member training information can be found at the Auxiliary Training Directorate website. Just follow this link:  Auxiliary Training Directorate


BASIC QUALIFICATION COURSE:  All new members must complete this course to gain an understanding of the origins, history, and traditions of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.  Follow this link for the:

    Basic Qualification Course 


UNDERWAY TRAINING: If you would like to get underway for crew training, contact your Flotilla FC, FSO-OP or FSO-MT.


CORE TRAINING: Previously called "Mandatory Training" the Core Training website can be found at this link:  Training Directorate Core Training Information


ONLINE TRAINING: The Auxiliary online training site can be found at this link: Auxiliary online training


ONLINE TESTING: Want to take a test? The National Testing Center can be found at this link: Auxiliary National Testing Center


AUXOP COURSES: Want to go for AUXOP? Course materials can be found at this link: Training Directorate AUXOP Courses

NOTE: Tests for AUXOP courses cannot be completed through the National Testing Center website -  a proctor must be present.  If you would like a proctor, contact your Flotilla Commander or FSO-MT (Member Training).

AUXILIARY C-SCHOOL: Go back to school! Information on Auxiliary C-Schools can be found at this link: Auxiliary C-School


ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES/FLOTILLA LEADERSHIP COURSES: APC or FLC is required to hold elected office. The links to these courses can be found below.

Administrative Procedures Course
Flotilla Leadership Course