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Flotilla 10-20 Member Training


Your Path to Success


The links below will lead you to just about everything you need to know about "life" in the Auxiliary and Flotilla 10-20.  This is a fairly comprehensive list of the major information sources and should be considered a stepping-off point.

You will have to explore in some instances to find what you need.  Bookmarking or saving links to the info that's important to you in your Auxiliary career will save time.  And of course, you should talk to your leadership and shipmates, in the flotilla and beyond, for guidance!  It's always easier and more fun with a friend!  Have fun exploring!

Manuals ANSC Forms 
Manual and Policy Updates (ALAUX)  D1SR Home page (Qualification Guide)
Flotilla Standing Rules Robert's Rules of Order (USCGAUX)
Training Compendium (every qual you can
earn, and where to start)

Online Classroom (AUXLMS)

National AuxAir Program

(See your Mentor for access)

Coast Guard Auxiliary "LIVE"


Aviation Observer Training...The entry point for AuxAir

Want to join this important and exciting program?
See your FSO-MT!


Auxiliary Aviation is a District program. You however, have joined an aviation-focused flotilla and have the advantage of ready access to shipmates possessing a wealth of knowledge and experience, that can help you learn the ropes...just ask them!

Prior aviation experience is not required!  However, there's a lot to learn, so a knowledgeable mentor and a strong desire to succeed are critical for any aspiring flight crew member...and we have them at AuxAir Station Caldwell!

Training focuses on the flight crew tasks, missions, reporting, and operational requirements.  For this reason, everyone starts by becoming an Observer, regardless of prior experience or FAA ratings. Observer training includes both practical and academic elements and can start as soon as the member achieves AP status.

It's fun and rewarding to be part of this great program, and once qualified you will be an effective force multiplier for the Coast Guard.