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Flotilla 18-4 General Information

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Solicitation for Incident Command Post Augmentees

Good afternoon,

1.  The U.S. Coast Guard is soliciting Auxiliary volunteers from D5NR to augment active duty and reserve personnel during response operations requiring activation of the Sector Delaware Bay Incident Command Post (ICP).

 2.  Auxiliarists selected for this duty must have completed all mandatory training and must have a current, favorable PSI.  Those selected must agree to attend basic Incident Command Software System (IMSS) training and to complete ICS 200, 210, and 800 (online) as well as the Federal Cyber Awareness Challenge (online) within one (1) year, if they have not already done so.  

 3.  Selectees should expect initial assignment to Check-In/Status Recorder duties working under the supervision of and with other Auxiliarists.  After successful participation in two (2) training or real world incidents, and completion of the Mobile Auxiliary Support Team (MAST) Position Qualification Standard (PQS), these Auxiliarists will be eligible for other ICP assignments for which they have Coast Guard or equivalent Auxiliary certification.

 4.  The people who manage these programs make every effort to coordinate well in advance for team member participation in scheduled exercises.  Although not a requirement for participation, Auxiliarists who wish to participate should have a candid conversation with any employer(s) concerned in order to resolve any potential work conflicts that might arise in an unscheduled (emergency) activation scenario.

 5.  Auxiliarists on this team will receive priority consideration for selection to attend Coast Guard ICS courses with open slots for D5NR Auxiliarists.  They will also have an opportunity to participate as equal partners in a management team charged with coordinating regional response and recovery from maritime disasters or assuring public safety during National Special Security Events (NSSE) such as the recent Democratic National Convention or the 2017 Presidential Inauguration. Ultimately, the only lasting reward Auxiliarists who participate in this program can expect to receive will be the opportunity to work with some of the finest men and women who have ever donned a Coast Guard uniform.

6.  Interested Auxiliarists should apply by email to [email protected] include their name, employee identification number (EMPLID), and membership status (AP, IQ, BQ, AX, etc.).  

Respectfully submitted,

Thomas V. Roberson

Auxiliary Contingency Planning Assistant

