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Mandatory Training - Submit this eform when Mandatory training is completed. (03/17)

AIR (3/03)
Air Pilot/Crew QualificationExcel (29 KB) Adobe (579 KB)

AOB/ACR (6-04)
Auxiliary Air Observer/Air Crew Qualification/Currency MaintenanceExcel (77 KB) Adobe (77 KB)
      Form routing: Member and air crew commander complete the form; Retain one copy;
      Submit completed form to DSO-AV; DSO-AV forwards to DirAux.

Aid Verifier Currency Annual Report - Excel  - Click HERE

Aid Verifier Currency Annual Report - PDF - Click Here 

DRF (11/03)
District Recommendation Form - Form is completed by the Division Commander (DCDR) to communicate Flotilla Commander and Division recommendations to the District.  Excel (22 KB)  Adobe (351 KB
         Form routing: Completed by Division commander; DCDR sends to DirAux.
DSAPP (10/07)
Application for District Staff Officer (DSO) Position - Members interested in holding a district staff officer position for District 8WR should complete an application  for the position of interest and forward it by regular mail or e-mail to the District Chief of Staff. Adobe (46 KB)
       Form routing: Mail to district 8WR Chief of Staff; or, e-mail to the District 8WR chief of

IT IQ (04-14)
Instructor Initial Qualification - Submit this e-form after the member has passed the Instructor Qualification Examination (Part A) with a 90% passing score or better and has satisfactorily taught 2 classes in accordance with Chapter 8, Section B.2.c. COMDTINST M16791 (series).

IT REYR/REWK (04-14)
Instructor REYR Re-Certification - Submit this e-form when the member has satisfied all tasks needed for re-certification.

LOI (10/06)
Letter of Intent - This e-form is completed when a member wants to discontinue participating in an Auxiliary program i.e. Aid Verifier, crew, VE or downgrade from coxswain to crew, etc.  The e-form is sent directly to DirAux for processing.
OVFD (3/03)
Operational Vessel Facility Data Sheet - Form is completed when an operational facility is being initially offered for use.  Re-submit form only when significant changes in appearance of the facility has been made.  Submit form directly to DirAux via postal mail. Excel (21 KB)  Adobe
        Form routing: VE completes form; Member retains a copy; Member sends to DirAux.
PATRED (10-03)
Patriot Readiness - Willing to go the extra step in performing competencies. Excel (98 KB)
RBSPV IQ (04-14)
Recreational Boating Safety - Program Visitor Initial Qualification - Submit this e-form after the member has passed the PV Examination with a 90% or better score and satisfactorily assisted in conducting at least 2 program visits with a qualified RBS PV. 
Recreational Boating Safety - Program Visitor Re-Certification REYR - Submit this e-form for re-certification after the member has completed 2 program visits as a trainee under self-supervision.
VE IQ (04-14)
Vessel Examiner Initial Qualification - Submit this e-form after the member has completed the VE Examination with a passing score of 90% or better and has satisfactorily conducted 5 VSC and/or Facility Inspections under the observation of a qualified RBS VE. 
VE REYR/REWK (04-14)
Vessel Examiner Re-Certification (REYR) - Submit this e-form after the member has satisfactorily assisted in conducting at least 2 VSC and/or Facility Inspections with a qualified RBS VE. 

Other Forms Used by District 8WR

REQUEST FOR PURCHASE  8WR Form 97-07A (01-21) 
When an item is designated to be purchased using District funds, this form is used to document and track the expenditure.      PDF

Damage Claim Package
Report damage to a vessel facility.

Member ID form
Submit to DirAux the form and a picture for a new Member ID card.
Mishaps Reporting
Learn the definition of a mishap, why mishaps should be reported, what needs to be reported and to whom a mishap should be reported by reviewing an MS PowerPoint Presentation. 
Download the fill-in Mishap Report Worksheet (Short Form) in Adobe Acrobat.

Operation of Auxiliary Facility by a Non-owner
Authorization form Adobe (11 KB); MS Word (22 KB)

Personal Clothing and Equipment Record
(AF-538 Rev. 4-74) - form used for all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) issued other than PEPIRBs.  Adobe Acrobat (545 KB)