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As a member of the Auxiliary, you must have IS-100, An Introduction to the Incident  Command System, and IS-700, An Introduction to the National Incident Management System, as part of your core training. If you have not taken those courses yet, or need to take a current version for a PQS, you can find the links for them below.

Many PQSs require more advanced training, as well as many Auxiliary positions.  Frequently you will need IS-200, Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response; IS-800,  National Response Framework, an Introduction, ICS-210, Initial Incident Commander, ICS-300,  Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents, and even ICS-400, Advanced ICS-Complex  Incidents. You will note the difference between some courses as “IS” and “ICS.” “IS” is an  Independent Study Course at the FEMA Emergency Management Institute. “ICS”  courses tend to be residency courses, available either via the Auxiliary online (in limited cases), locally provided by the Auxiliary or other agencies, or via a state-sponsored event.  Links to those courses are also found below.
The USCG Aux External Sponsored EM Training, Member Eligibility, and Procedure Guide, provides access to all State and Territory training sites. Auxiliarists can find training on some courses allowed as substitutes for USCG's required courses. Your DSO-EM can provide authorization for those courses. You can also find the USCG Auxiliary Oral Board Guide, which explains and offers opportunities for Auxiliarists to complete the Oral Board section of their PQS.  Example questions for ICS Qualifications for many PQs's are also available to help members prepare.

Finally, two PQS are highly recommended as the first PQS qualifications to reach for. They are limited in scope but can be a true learning experience for the entire program.  Links to the basic USCG ICS Training Job Aid and USCG ICS Staff PQS Workbook (ICSSTAFF) are provided below. Adjacent to that is the new USCG PQS titled USCG Type 3 ICS Activation and  Deployment Performance Qualification Standard Workbook. Though this is designed as a  general knowledge verification before someone is deployed into an ICS position during an event, it provides a good synopsis of the information you are required to know.  This course is required before deployment, so whether you complete it now or not, it will be required eventually. It might be wise to complete it early on since it covers the basics found in IS-100, 200,  700, & 800.

Links to the referenced IS and ICS Courses:
IS-100, An Introduction to the Incident Command System 

IS-200, Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
ICS-210, Initial Incident Commander  (AuxLMS Login Required before clicking ICS-210 Link)*

ICS-300, Intermediate ICS Expanding Incidents
(AuxLMS Login Req'd before clicking ICS-300 Link)*

ICS-400, Advanced ICS-Complex Incidents
  (AuxLMS Login Required before clicking  ICS-400 Link)*

ICS-700, An Introduction to the National Incident Management System

ICS-800, National Response Framework, an Introduction

 * ICS Courses in AuxLMS are found in the Coast Guard (Gold)/Incident Command System (ICS) Course Catalog