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By Linda Jones                       Station Yankeetown Day  April 28, 2018

What better way to increase enthusiasm about the role of the Coast Guard auxiliary, learn about the Coast Guard, and provide a fellowship activity for active duty and Auxiliary members to meet than to set up an open house at a Coast Guard Station. That is what Chief Eric Tookey and BM1 Derek Waters, XPO set out to accomplish with the help of Andy Render, Division 15 Commander.

Invitation emails were sent out to all members in Division 15 about the open house. On April 28th 2018, Division 15 Auxiliarists arrived at the station excited to see what was going to happen next.
Chief Tookey welcoming participants of the Station Yankeetown Day April 2018
First, Auxiliarists were given an overall briefing of what was to happen that day. The day’s activities included 6 stations at which Auxiliary would learn about different aspects of station life. In addition, Auxiliarist would be treated to lunch after the morning stations. Next they would head to the beach, where they would learn the proper use of flares.
Chief Tookey explaining the Yankeetown AOR at Station Yankeetown Day April 2018
Station 1: Chief Tookey explained about the areas of operation for which Yankeetown is responsible. This also included information about towing and launching issues particular to this area of Florida. On the large map on the wall, he showed the large coastal AOR for which Yankeetown is responsible going from a little west of Jefferson County in northwestern Florida to a little south of Hernando County in southwestern Florida. There was a discussion about how many hours total could be on the water. This had to also include the travel time to the distant locations of our AOR.

Galley at Station Yankeetown Station 2: CS 3 Piepenbrock and FN Tsoumas-white explained about food preparation requirements, culinary specialist requirements, and the future of the galley in the coast Guard.
Mechanical and engineering area at Station Yankeetown
Station 3: In the mechanical and engineering area Auxiliarist learned how  the vessels are maintain and repaired. In addition, FN Ratcliff and SN Feder explained about duties of those who were working as fireman at the station or onboard the vessels.

Station 4
: Taking place outside at the actual Coast Guard vessels, BM2 Housand and BM3 Strouse explained why our station has certain vessels, Coastguardsman explaing their boat operations during Station Yankeetown Day April 2018what their capabilities are, and how far offshore they can go. Auxiliarist were invited to board the vessels to check out the equipment.

Station 5: Learning about law enforcement and rCoastguardsman explaing law enforcement equipment during Station Yankeetown Day April 2018escue and survival equipment, BM2 Tappan and BM2 Cullen discussed how the Coast Guard acts in a law enforcement capacity, provides Public Safety, works with commercial fishing vessels, and does illegal Drug Search. Several pieces of safety equipment the active duty use on a daily basis on board the vessels were shown and demonstrated.

Station 6: In the comRadio operations room at Station Yankeetownmunications room, BM1 Waters and SN Daniels explained how radio communications are monitored 24 hours a day on several different radio channels by active duty and sometimes Auxiliary members. Many Auxiliary members had never been in the radio room and this gave them a chance to see and learn how it all worked.

AUXFS: When everyone was done with the stations, an all hands announcement Fellowship lunch during Station Yankeetown Day April 2018was made to gather downstairs for a barbecue lunch served by 15-1 AUXFS.

Flares: After the luParticipants at the Station Yankeetown Day practing how to hold flaresnch everyone headed to the beach, where they were taught the proper use of flares.

Fun and fellowship in addition to a lot of learning between the Auxiliary members of Division 15 and the active duty of Coast Guard Station Yankeetown toParticipants at the Station Yankeetown Day practing with smoke devicesok place during this beautiful sunny day. Goals met and achieved. Bravo Zulu Chief Tookie, BM 1 Waters, Andy Render, and Coastguardsmen of Station Yankeetown.

Coast Guard Auxiliary photos by Robert A. Fabich, Sr.