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Members who have achieved the Auxiliary Operations (AuxOp) status may proctor any of the AuxOp courses that are taken on-line. A hyperlink to a list of District 8WR members who are qualified to proctor AuxOp on-line and sit-down examinations is provided below.
When you are ready to take your AuxOp on-line proctored examination open the National Testing Center entrance webpage.  An ID (your member EmpID number) plus a password (the same used for entry to the AuxDirectory) is required to enter the testing website.

Once in the Test Center there are options to take a variety of on-line examinations. Examinations requiring proctoring are specifically identified.  If you are taking an examination that requires a proctor (all AuxOp examinations require a proctor) the first webpage has fields for the proctor to enter their ID and password.  After this information is entered you will be able to proceed with the examination.

Immediately after you submit your examination you will be informed on screen whether or not you passed the course.  Questions answered incorrectly are also identified.  If you pass the examination, confirmation that you passed is automatically feed directly to AuxData and entered into your training record.
Use AuxData to track your course completion progress.  See "Track your AuxOp progress" below for details.

Locate a Proctor Near You
Logon to the website for the names of available proctors.  No ID or password is needed.  The resulting webpage contains the names of proctors by flotilla.  No e-mail addresses or telephone numbers are listed.  However, the e-mail address and telephone number for the proctor plus other pertinent information may be obtained by using the AuxDirectory.  The AuxDirectory is ID and password protected.  After entering the AuxDirectory, completing a search using the proctors last name will yield all the information needed to contact the proctor.

The names on the proctor webpage are provided by DirAux to NTC (National Training Center) and are maintained by DirAux.  Should an AuxOp name not appear on the list or a name appears that should not, please notify the DirAux Staff.

Track your AuxOp progress 
Students may track their AuxOp course completion progress through AuxData. Upon entering AuxData select the Reports button.  On the Reports page select the AuxOp Progress button (image of page).  This will bring up the AuxOp Progress Report page (image of page).  Enter your EmpID (Member Number) then click on submit.  Your complete AuxOp Progress Report will then appear (sample report).

After the criteria is met for qualifying as AuxOp, DirAux will certify completion by changing the students AuxOp status in AuxData to AX2 then send notification of completion along with the AuxOp device.  The Status on the AuxOp Progress Report will then read AUXOP.  This process is completed automatically upon completion of the last required course without requiring notification to DirAux by the student or proctor.
Frequently Asked Questions about the AuxOp Program
The Frequently Asked Questions sheet provides answers to questions about the new AuxOp program that is effective January 2011 i.e. credit for prior AuxOp courses, ICS course credit, Flotilla Leadership Course (FLC), etc.

If you have attained the AuxOP status DirAux (Directory of the Auxiliary) will notify the National Training Center of your eligibility to proctor.  If your name does not appear on the proctor list, please contact the DirAux Staff.
To proctor a student you must have first activated your AuxDirectory account. The ID and password used for the AuxDirectory is also used for proctoring the examination.  Once you enter your ID and password on the National Training Center examination webpage the student will then be able to proceed with the examination.