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James Walker  
James Walker
The USCG Auxiliary Program Visitor is an important component of the USCG’s Boating Safety Program. Our Program Visitor represents the USCG, the state and the district they are attached to. The Program Visitor visits businesses in the USCG uniform to discuss upcoming events (vessel safety exams, public education missions) and offer professional assistance.

If you are reading this and are not a USCG Auxiliary member we need your help. Preventative Search and Rescue is vital to the welfare of our boating public. Contact me to join.

If you are a USCG Auxiliary Program Visitor, PSAR is our number one mission. Create teams including FSO-VE, PE, PA and PB. Plan team ramp events, National Safe Boating Week events and train new Program Visitors. You do make a difference.

Save a Life and Save the Day.

Boats and such