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Complimentary Vessel Safety Exams

Flotilla 13-03 offers complimentary vessel inspections upon request.  Your vessel will be fully inspected to comply with state and federal regulations. You will receive a decal when your vessel is in compliance. The vessel safety check is an easy way to make sure that your vessel is safe and that you have all the necessary equipment on board to protect your vessel and the lives of yourself and passengers. This is an audit of safety equipment on your boat. You are the only one who is advised of the results. Fines can be heavy in the Keys if you are non-compliant with state and federal regulations, and the service we provide is definitely worth the investment of your time to ensure you are in compliance with State and Federal Safety Regulations. More than 380 Vessel Safety Exams have been given in the lower Keys by Flotilla 13-03 members in 2011.

Contact Our Vessel Safety Examiner to arrange for a complimentary vessel safety inspection or you call Diane Adams directly at PH: 305-872-4071 or Cell 330-771-7171

A partial list of equipment requirements: 
  • proper display of registration numbers
  • current copy of the boat registration  
  • personal flotation devices in good condition   
  • flares and other visual distress signals (check the expiration date!)   
  • fire extinguishers (check to make certain they are properly charged)   
  • navigation lights (make certain they work)   
  • horns, whistles, or other sound producing devices   
  • safety compliance for fuel and electrical systems, galley and heating systems (if present)   
  • display of placards for marine pollution and trash, and marine sanitation devices (if present)   
  • copy of Navigation Rules on board (if required)
