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Our Staff

Directorate Leadership The staff of the Vessel Examinations & Partner Visitation (V) Directorate is made up of experienced leaders in the Coast Guard Auxiliary's recreational boating safety (RBS) and outreach programs. Sharing decades of experience, the V-Directorate staff helps bring the Auxiliary's RBS programs to life in immediate services and strategic planning.
Director Tom Niles is a 28-year veteran of the Auxiliary. He most recently served as Deputy Director of the V-Directorate. He has served in a variety of elected and appointed leadership roles including Division Commander and national Division Chief for incentives and vessel examinations. Tom is qualified as a vessel examiner, program visitor, instructor and boat crewman. He also holds the RBS Device.
He served his country for 34 years in the Department of Defense as both a civilian and military member, retiring in 2018 as a Colonel in the Army Reserve, and in 2021 as a Business Executive for one of the Combat Support Agencies of the DoD.

Deputy Director Mark Crary joined the Auxiliary in 2011. He is a certified Vessel Examiner, Program Visitor, and recipient of the RBS Device and AUXOP Pin. He has also received the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Mark has been a member of the National Staff since 2017, and he currently serves also as District Directorate Chief for Prevention in District 7.
Mark is a retired Air Force Master Sergeant with over 22 years of combined service in the Navy, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve. He lives in Orlando, Florida where he is employed as a supervisor with the Department of Homeland Security.

Division Chief — Communications Zacary E. Wilson-Fetrow joined the Auxiliary in 2014. As communications chief, Zacary is a certified Public Affairs Specialist 3 (AUXPA3), Musician 2 (AUXMU2) and AUXOP. He also earned the RBS Device. Zacary has served as webmaster at flotilla, division and national levels, with seven years in the RBS Outreach (B) Directorate.
Zacary graduated from the Auxiliary University Programs (AUP). He also holds a JD from the University of New Mexico School of Law. Zacary is in private practice as an attorney in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Division Chief — Vessel Examinations Craig Brown joined the Auxiliary in 1998. He is a certified Vessel Examiner and Instructor in both the Auxiliary and U.S. Power Squadrons, as well as an Auxiliary Program Visitor. He has held many elected and appointed positions at the District, Division, and Flotilla levels.
Craig is an engineer with over 36 years’ experience in the aircraft industry.

Division Chief — Incentives

Division Chief — Visitation Programs Aaron Todd

Division Chief — Special Projects William Jefferson joined the Auxiliary in 2016 and was appointed the Division Chief for RBS Outreach Special Programs in 2021. He administers the AUXLWO program in 20 states nationwide. He is a Trident recipient, Coxswain, Aids to Navigation Verifier, and UPV Examiner. Bill serves as a District Directorate Chief and was formerly a Flotilla Commander and Division Staff Officer for Marine Safety.
Bill is a retired commercial construction executive and geologist, and holds a Merchant Mariner Masters Credential.

Division Chief — Safety Programs Martin J. Jordan joined the Auxiliary in 2020. He was appointed Division Chief for Safety Programs in 2023. Martin is a certified Vessel Examiner and Program Visitor and holds both the Operational Auxiliarist (AUXOP) and RBS Devices. At the Flotilla level, Martin proudly serves as the Member Training Officer as well as Information Services Officer.
Martin is a retired Fire Chief and Emergency Manager with 43 years of service. He holds a Master Level Emergency Manager Certification.