UPV Training
The below training materials have been developed by the National Prevention staff in conjunction with Coast Guard Headquarters, Coast Guard Area, and Coast Guard District program managers and are intended to be the baseline training materials. Sectors may create additional materials to ensure local issues are addressed during training.
UPV Policy Letter Presentation
- UPV Policy Letter Presentation (PowerPoint 2023 - Adobe Converted - 644 KB)
IMPORTANT: To use these modules, make sure to download as a Microsoft PowerPoint to avoid distortions in the content in other formats.
UPV Examiner Training
Session 1 - Introduction and Application - Task 1.1 (PPT - 1169 KB)
Session 2 - Application -Task 1.2 & Equivalents - Tasks 2.1 & 2.2 (PPT- 1343 KB)
Session 3 - Requirements -Tasks 3.1 - 3.4 (PPT - 4263 KB)
Session 4 - Requirements - Tasks 3.5 - 3.10 (PPT - 2715 KB)
Session 5 - Operations - Tasks 4.1 - 4.7 (PPT - 2587 KB)
Session 6 - Operations -Tasks 4.8 - 4.12 (PPT - 7039 KB)
Session 7 - General Housekeeping - Tasks 5.1 - 5.8 (PPT - 1493 KB)
Session 8 - Other Issues and Exam Procedures (PPT - 923 KB)
Session 9 - Exercise Opportunities (PPT - 1009 KB)
UPV Orientation and Refresher Training
- Introduction to Uninspected Passenger Vessels (PowerPoint 2021 - 13 MB)
Small Passenger Vessel Safety
- Small Passenger Vessel Safety Information Presentation (PowerPoint 2013 - 2.2 MB)
Information for Owner/Operators
- Uninspected Passenger Vessels: Information for Owner/Operators (PowerPoint 2013 - 893 KB)