C-School FAQs
Auxiliary C-schools are Coast Guard-funded formal training events. They are short-term in nature (i.e. – usually 2-5 days long) and deal with specific subject matter (e.g. – distance education technology, information systems, spatial disorientation). They normally require students to travel to a Coast Guard training center, although some C-schools can be exported so that instructors travel to regional locations to deliver the training.
Have you ever thought you might like to attend an Auxiliary C-school but didn’t know where to start, or what courses were available? Well, here’s a primer on how to find out what is offered each fiscal year (October 1 – September 30) and how to get started. And remember, your Director of Auxiliary (DIRAUX) office is always the best place to ask questions first.
What uniform does a "C" School require?
How do I know what C-schools are available?
The C-School schedule is available under "Current Schedule" to the left. It contains a list of all upcoming C-School sessions. The same courses are usually offered each fiscal year, but class dates and locations change. C-School policy is described throughout this website, so be sure to read the material here carefully so you know what is needed and expected of you.
How do I sign up for a C-school and how do I know if I have been chosen to attend?
Your DIRAUX is your principal point-of-contact for C-schools. This website is also a principal resource and will educate you on all aspects of a C-school. You must sign up for a C-school via your DIRAUX office by filling out a Short Term Training Request form (STTR - ANSC-7059 / CG-5223). This form is available on the Auxiliary web site: http://forms.cgaux.org/archive/a7059.pdf. You must fax, mail, or carry this to your DIRAUX office, or you can fill it out on-line and submit it electronically. You must specify which C-school you desire. Unless a waiver is granted by DIRAUX, Auxiliarists may attend a C-school only once every three years.
You will know if you have been selected for a C-school (i.e. – you met the qualifications or were able to be registered for a class) by checking with your DIRAUX.
If you have been selected, about six weeks prior to the class commencement DIRAUX will send you orders to your C-school class by U.S. mail and/or e-mail. These orders direct you to the class and entitle you to lodging and meal reimbursements (called “per diem”) for the location of the class. Each location has specified lodging and per diem rates that the Government will reimburse you for when you file your travel claim after the class is finished. If you choose to stay at a hotel that is higher than the lodging rate, or have meals that cost more than the per diem rate, you will not be reimbursed for the extra costs. Lodging and per diem rates for all locations can be found on the C-school web site and other web links. Rental cars are NEVER reimbursed unless they are specifically authorized on your C-school orders - and they are very rarely authorized! In general, if you deviate from your orders without first consulting your DIRAUX, then you seriously jeopardize the likelihood of being reimbursed for those costs.
Once I get my orders, what do I do?
You should call ADTRAV Travel Management, the contracted
Government travel agency, whose number is on your orders, to make your flight
or train reservation. If you are driving, you don’t need to contact ADTRAV. The
lead instructor may also contact you to inform you of any lodging arrangements
that have been made, pre-arranged transportation arrangements to and from class
each day, etc. Once you have called ADTRAV, they will need you to fax your
orders to them so they know what financial account to use to book your flight.
Once you’ve made your flight arrangements, have called the hotel where everyone is staying and pulled your room from the reserved block, and have been contacted by the lead instructor (usually via e-mail), you have all the logistics handled. Some courses require work to be done prior to arriving in class, but not all. You’re now set to attend class.
Now I’m back home from the class. What’s next?
Once a student completes a class, he or she must complete a Travel Claim form (DD-1351-2) to receive reimbursement for authorized expenses. This form is available on the Auxiliary web site: http://forms.cgaux.org/ or by clicking the link, above. The student should fill out the form, attach his or her receipts to it, and mail or hand-deliver it to the DIRAUX office. The DIRAUX will review the form and sign it before sending it to the Coast Guard Personnel Service Center (PSC) in Topeka, KS for reimbursement processing.
The PSC cannot authorize reimbursement without DIRAUX signature. Failure to obtain DIRAUX signature will result in a much delayed reimbursement process as the claim will have to be sent back and forth between DIRAUX and PSC. The PSC will also review the form and inform the Coast Guard Finance Center in Chesapeake, VA how much to deposit as reimbursement into the student’s designated financial account. Students should monitor their financial account for the reimbursement.