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United States Coast Guard Auxiliary - Public Affairs

PA Marketing Division Banner

The Marketing Division plans and implements marketing strategies and programs, both short- and long-range, targeted toward promoting the benefits and activities of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and enhancing our image. Our mission is to promote the Auxiliary to our members, the public and the Coast Guard. Working in collaboration with entities of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, our mission is to maximize the positive exposure of the Auxiliary. While all of the constituencies are important, the most significant is our members. We strive to develop and provide programs to assist our members in the accomplishment of their missions.

The Marketing Division Team’s main goals are to create, communicate and deliver projects for our customers, clients, partners, and the public.

One of those goals is communication, via ads, educational materials and more.

Coastie the Safety Boat

Coastie was created after observing a similar robot called PC, which stands for Police Car. Our United States Coast Guard Auxiliary (USCGAux) Flotilla was participating in a "Safety Day" event at a local shopping center when we had the opportunity to observe PC.

National Safe Boating Week

A annual event of promoting safe boating season.

Marketing Promotion

The branch chief of marketing promotion works to promote all aspects of the Auxiliary with regard to public affairs by creating partnerships with members of the community. This includes drafting scripts for promotional videos and encouraging people to engage with our various public affairs platforms.

Marketing Support

From editing videos to drafting scripts and creating radio commercials, the branch chief of marketing support promotes the Auxiliary through radio and television.


The branch chief of distribution creates, implements, and measures the success of a comprehensive marketing, communications and public relations program aimed at enhancing the Auxiliary’s image and position within the internal organization and for the general public.


In every aspect of the Auxiliary, communication is key and the communication branch is no exception. The branch chief of communication works to implement strategies and programs that help to reduce issues, both internally and externally, as it relates to public affairs.