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Welcome to the Flotilla 1-1, District 17 Web Site

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Recruiting Website U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary

Welcome to the Juneau Flotilla

The Juneau Flotilla was chartered by the United States Coast Guard in 1956 and was the first USCG Auxiliary unit in Alaska. The Juneau Flotilla currently consists of over 40 members who have provided thousands of hours of service in boating safety, public education, vessel safety checks and operations support. The Juneau Flotilla area of operation covers much of the inside passage including Lynn Canal, Icy Strait, Admiralty Island and Stephens Passage.


 Sean McDermott, Commander Matthew Talley, Vice Commander

Core Values

Welcome to the United States Coast Guard. We are a military, multi-mission, maritime force offering a unique blend of military, law enforcement, humanitarian, regulatory, and diplomatic capabilities. These capabilities support our three broad roles: maritime safety, maritime security, and maritime stewardship. Our service and strength are defined by our Core Values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty.


Integrity is our standard. We demonstrate uncompromising ethical conduct and moral behavior in all of our personal and organizational actions. We are loyal and accountable to the public trust.


We value our diverse workforce. We treat each other and those we serve with fairness, dignity, respect, and compassion. We encourage creativity through empowerment. We work as a team.

Devotion to Duty

We are professionals, military and civilian, who seek responsibility, accept accountability, and are committed to the successful achievement of our organizational goals. We exist to serve. We serve with pride.

Membership Meetings

Our regular membership meetings are held at 6:30pm on the second Tuesday of each month at USCG Station Juneau, 345 Egan Dr, Juneau

Membership meetings are open to guests and the public. A potluck social usually occurs once a month after the regular membership meeting. The December meeting is a Flotilla social to celebrate a year of fellowship with the boating community.

Station Juneau Map

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