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Public Boating Courses

If you are a Washington or Oregon  boater, sailor, kayaker, fisherman, wake boarder, 
hunter or PWC enthusiast, these courses are for you. 

Courses are taught by U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary instructors who are trained in the subject matter.

About Boating Safely courses are taught in Clark County, Vancouver, Washington, on the 4th  Saturday of each month in collaboration with Clark County Marine Patrol.  The About Boating Safely course is State Mandatory Boat Operator NASBLA approved. Washington and Oregon boaters are welcome.

Earn Your Boater Education Card 

education card  education card 

Upcoming Courses:

  Dates  Time  Course Information  Cost 
About Boating Safely 03/26/2022  8:00 AM - 4:00 PM  CLICK HERE  $15
About Boating Safely 02/22/2020  8:30 AM - 4:30 PM  CLICK HERE  $10
Marine Radio Communication  TBD 8:30 AM - Noon  Covers law, operation, types of radios, who needs a license and protocol.  $10 
How To Read a Nautical Chart 


1:00 PM - 5:00 PM This course provides the navigator with the knowledge to interpret a chart's content. $10 
Boat & Trailer Maintenance  TBD  8:30 AM - 5:00 PM  Workshop on common preventative maintenance tasks for your boat and trailer.  $20 

For more information or to register call (360) 839-0853 or email [email protected].

Classes are held at the Pearson Field Pilot Lounge,
201 E Reserve St, Vancouver, WA 98661

 Online registration for Boating Classes: CLICK HERE
public education