Division 2 What's New!
D-Train 2025
D-Train Video Teaser (same as below)
Like to cook?
Like to cook? Want to work side-by-side with active duty in a very rewarding way?
Starting 1 January 2024 the Galley at Base Seattle will have many shifts available for land-based Auxiliary Culinary Assistants both on weekdays and some weekends. The need is far greater than the currently-trained can handle.
We, the Div 2 CA1_instructor Team, are therefore putting on several on-line classes to get YOU the skills in preparation for completing the CA1 PQS. Choose a single-session class on Sunday 22 October or a three Tuesday nights series starting 24 Oct or a single-session class on Sat 28 October - and if none of those times work contact me with dates and times that do. Sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080D49ABA62FA0FC1-45255805-culinary
Again the schedule for these on-line zoom classes:
A one-time session Sunday 22 October starting at 1000 and ending mid-afternoon
A series of three short evening sessions starting at 1830 Tue 24 October and going for three Tuesdays thereafter A one-time session on Saturday 28 October starting at 1030 ending mid-afternoon Sessions to accommodate your schedule if the above don’t work
These will be followed by perhaps 3 in-galley trainings at your convenience to get all your PQSs signed off. This will be super easy and a whole lot of fun.
Feel free to contact me if you want further details, but know that if you do get involved you will have an absolute blast.
Klaas Nijhuis, ADSO-CA; CA1-Instructor -US Coast Guard Auxiliary D13 - Northern Area
Free NOAA Charts
The Office of Coast Survey provides free BookletCharts, which are 8 ½” x 11” PDF versions of NOAA nautical charts that can be downloaded and printed at home. The U.S. Coast Pilot is also available in a free PDF version.
There is a new U.S. Chart No. 1: Edition 12, dated April 2013, which supersedes all previous editions. You can download the full PDF U.S. Chart No. 1: Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms used on Paper and Electronic Navigational Charts for free.Hands Free Pumpout Kit Adapters
Discharging raw sewage in inland waters and within three miles of the coast is illegal, and it's bad for human health and the environment. Fortunately, most Washington boaters use pumpouts to dispose of their waste.
an effort to make pumping out as safe, easy and clean as possible,
Washington Sea Grant (WSG), on behalf of Washington State Parks Boating
Program, provides free Hands-Free Pumpout Adapter
kits to boaters. Kits contain a boat adapter fitting (standard 1 ½" or
request the smaller 1 ¼"), a pair of safety gloves and a QR code to
download the Washington State Parks guide to pumpouts.
Note: The useful Official Guide for Washington State Parks app is available in either the App Store or Google Play.
You can get an adapter by:
- Asking your marina if it has adapters for tenants.
- Washington Sea Grant boater outreach specialists Aaron Barnett, [email protected], 206.616.8929 or Bridget Trosin, [email protected], 360.428.1003
- Reserving a pumpout adapter kit and getting a vessel safety check from a Seattle-area Coast Guard Auxiliary Vessel Examiner.