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Boating Safety for Children

Welcome to the children's education page!

CoastieHi. Thanks for coming to see me. Who am I? I'm Coastie. I travel all over the country meeting boys and girls. I help children learn to be safe around the water. Take a look at our classes and coloring books below to learn more about water safety!


Remember kids, Boat Smart from the Start.......Wear your Life Jacket!


For more information on children's boating safety education in Seattle and the surrounding areas, please contact:  

                                                Jeff Hunter, [email protected]

Life Jacket TransformerClasses for Kids

Coloring Books

Water N Kids Coloring Book Water'n'Kids
Cover for Coastie Water Safety Coloring Book Coastie Water Safety Coloring Book
Cover for USCG Coloring Book Learn About the Coast Guard Coloring Book

Auxiliarists: Do either you or your children want to get involved? There are several opportunities for children from our flotillas and the entire community to get involved with throughout the year!

Not only are these excellent chances for children to learn about boating safety, but it is also a great opportunity for members who would like to be part of this exciting and fulfilling mission area. Get ready to have a great time! Visit the Calendar Page to see upcoming events.