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Welcome to the Flotilla 6-8, District 11SR Web Site

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary consists of some 28,000 dedicated men and women who serve in uniform as America's Volunteer force. "Auxiliarists" complement U.S. Coast Guard Forces, which consist of over 50,000 dedicated men and women who serve in uniform as Active-Duty and Reserve personnel, and as Civilian employees.



Our Mission

  • To promote and improve Recreational Boating Safety
  • To provide a diverse array of specialized skills, trained crews, and capable facilities to augment the Coast Guard and enhance safety.
  • To support the Coast Guard operational, administrative and logistical requirements.  
  • Flotilla 6-8 is the lead unit responsible for providing support in Southern California's Dana Point Harbor and surrounding waterways.

The Auxiliary also participates in any mission as authorized and directed by the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard or the Secretary of Homeland Security.

USCG speed

Flotilla 6-8 balances Recreational Boating Safety Missions with support for the safety and security of our people, maritime ports, and waterways to protect against post-9/11 emerging challenges. Our unit conducts various missions that include: 
  • Boating Safety Courses
  • Vessel Safety Checks for FREE, for the Boating Public
  • Recreational Boating Safety
  • Recruiting for all service in the Coast Guard
  • Safety and Security Patrols
  • Boarding Platform Inspections>
  • Commercial Fishing and Vessel Exams
  • Homeland Security
  • Mass Casualty and Disaster Support
  • Pollution Response and Patrols
  • Search and Rescue

                                      Joint Op


The U.S. Coast Guard partners with the Auxiliary, federal, state, and local agencies to keep a vigilant watch upon our national waterways. However, with more than 95,000 miles of domestic coastline to protect, the Coast Guard and our partners must also rely on alert individuals. Homeland security begins with hometown and harbor security; working together we can build a strong foundation for a secure and resilient homeland in our communities.


See Something, Say Something

One of the programs that place all members of the public at the forefront of supporting our national security is the Department of Homeland Security campaign known as:

If You See Something, Say Something

see say

The goal of this program is simple: if you hear or see anything suspicious to tell local authorities about it. By raising public awareness of possible terrorist indicators and by encouraging members of the public to report suspicious activity to authorities, our nation is further strengthened in its ability to protect against threats. 


America's Waterway Watch

The U.S. Coast Guard and the Auxiliary enlist public support in reporting suspicious activity on the water with:

America's Waterway Watch

AWW logo


The goal of this program is to encourage the public who is familiar with our nation's coastlines to assist federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies by being observant and attentive in recognizing possible threats and crimes on and around our waterways. No one knows what is the local norm better than the members of the public who live, work, or play in or around America’s waterfront communities.

But members of the public do not have to live on the coast to keep a watchful eye. America’s rivers, bridges, tunnels and inland ports are all places where community members can make a difference by reporting unusual activity to local law enforcement authorities.

Every member of the public plays a role in keeping our nation safe; because Homeland Security begins with hometown and harbor security; and an alert and informed public is necessary for keeping our neighbors safe.


Semper Paratus

The United States Coast Guard motto is "SEMPER PARATUS" (Always Ready) against all threats and hazards.

 Semper Paratus 

"Always Ready"


Disclaimer Notice

Links to non-Coast Guard entities are not under the control of the United States Coast Guard nor the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and are provided for the convenience of our visitors. They do not, in any way, constitute an endorsement of the linked pages nor of any commercial or private issues or products presented therein. We cannot make any warranty or representation concerning the content of these sites, nor that of secondary sites from the pages to which they link.

Privacy Statement

This Web Site DOES NOT use 'cookies' to collect information from or about users of the site. E-mail links and forms are provided as a means for visitors to contact USCG Auxiliary members for additional information or to make comments. The sender's return e-mail address or other information will be used only to respond to your comments and questions and may be made available to other members of the Auxiliary for that same purpose only. This website contains links to other external websites. If you decide to utilize any of the external links, you will be directed to a site that is not covered by our privacy policy. We recommend that you read the privacy statements of these sites since their policies may differ significantly from ours.