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Welcome to the Division 1, District 11SR Web Site

USCG Helicopter James Scoffin
James Scoffin

Ron Mealey
Ron Mealey


Division Change of Watch will be on Sunday, January 19, 2025

WELCOME to Division 1 of District 11 Southern Region of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Division 1 has been augmenting the United States Coast Guard, Sector San Diego in southern California for over 70 years. Our 6 Flotillas are located in 5 strategic locations; San Diego, Mission Bay, Oceanside, Escondido, and Lower Colorado River. Our Area of Responsibility extends from Camp Pendleton in the north along the coastline to the Mexican border on the western side, to the Colorado River on the east. Our membership of over 300 men and women are proudly recognized as members of "Team Coast Guard" and are "Semper Paratus" (always ready).  Division 1 logo
The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary (USCG Aux) is the volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard (USCG). Congress established the USCG Auxiliary on June 23, 1939, as the United States Coast Guard Reserve. On February 19, 1941, it was re-designated the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. The Auxiliary exists to support all USCG missions except roles that require "direct" law enforcement or military engagement.

Our uniformed members conduct many activities in the course of supporting the USCG. These are just some of the services that we provide the Coast Guard to enhance their efforts to ensure safe and secure ports and waterways;

  • Water patrols such as search and rescue, environmental protection, harbor patrols, and maritime observation
  • Land patrols
  • Conduct safety inspections of recreational and small commercial vessels
  • Instruct the general public in safe boating courses
  • Provide interpreter services
  • Serve on Coast Guard and Auxiliary vessels
  • Inspect aids-to-navigation assets
  • Work as chefs in various venues
  • Stand communications and harbor security watches
  • Assist in public affairs duties
  • Coast Guard Academy Admissions program

Whatever your interests and life skills, and given the numerous voluntary training opportunities, chances are that you will find a rewarding area of service in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. This service will enrich your life in ways you may not have imagined. Not only will you help your country and community, you will find friends that last a lifetime. The time commitment is flexible and is based solely on your availability and interest. If you are searching for adventure, and a way to serve your nation, consider joining the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.

James Russell Scoffin, Div. 1 Commander JOIN US
Monthly meetings are at the Sector San Diego Training Room at 1900 on each 3rd Monday