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Welcome to the Division 35, District 9WR Web Site

 Not Posted 
 2025 Division Commander
 2025 Division Vice Commander
 Chris Strahlman Gary Lee Miller

The purpose of the Auxiliary is to assist the Coast Guard to:

  • Promote safety
    Effect rescues on the high seas and on navigable waters
  • Promote efficiency in the operation of motorboats and yachts.
  • Foster a wider knowledge of, and better compliance with, the laws, rules, and regulations governing the operation of motorboats and yachts;
  • Facilitate other operations of the Coast Guard.
Participate in the U.S.C.G. Auxiliary

  • Auxiliary member can and do train at local units;
  • Must be minimum age of 17 to Join Auxiliary (no max. limit);
  • As Auxiliary boat CREW or COXN one may enter at pay grade E-2 or D-3, respectively;
  • Auxiliary members can train as crew with the USCG on 25’ RB-HS rescue boats;
  • May qualify to be watch standers & acquire other competencies at local units;
  • Auxiliary members work with and support local units/sector headquarters;
  • May acquire confidence, added self esteem and learn about USCG culture and customs;
  • Auxiliary members are involved with a variety of C.G. operations;
  • Auxiliary members are proven force multipliers and
  • Auxiliary member continue to augment at various Sectors: Aux Chef & Cutters on Great Lakes.
  • *Not applicable to USCG Academy admissions

Who We Are:

The Coast Guard’s philosophy is to be SEMPER PARATUS (ALWAYS READY) against all threats and all hazards. The Coast Guard Auxiliary is an integral part of that philosophy and the Coast Guard Forces. We conduct safety patrols on local waterways, assist the Coast Guard with homeland security duties, teach boating safety classes, conduct free vessel safety checks for the public, as well as many other activities. The Auxiliary has members in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa and Guam.


Our Vision:
As a component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard, and a servant of the public, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, in its role as the designated National Recreational Boating Safety Coordinator, is a leader in improving the boating experience of the maritime public. We are an organization noted for working in partnership with all stakeholders within the waterways activity spectrum and across all modes of transportation to reach consensus solutions. We measure our success by our customer satisfaction, and our customers' needs help define our workload and priorities.


Our Mission:
To minimize the loss of life, personal injury, property damage, and environmental impact associated with the use of recreational boats, through preventive means, in order to maximize safe use and enjoyment of U.S. Waterways by the public.


Did you know…

Each day, the men and women of the 35,000 plus active duty Coast Guard, 8,000 Reservists, and 32,000 Auxiliarists provide services over 3.4 million square miles of Exclusive Economic Zones.


On an average day, the Coast Guard:

  • Conducts 109 Search and Rescue Cases.
  • Saves 10 lives
  • Assists 192 people in distress.
  • Protects $2,791,841 in property.
  • Seizes 169 pounds of marijuana and 306 pounds of cocaine worth $9,589,000.00.
  • Processes 238 Seaman licenses and documents.
  • Investigates 6 vessel casualties involving collisions, allisions, or groundings.
  • What else happens during an average day?
  • Small boats are underway for 396 sorties/missions.
  • Aircraft fly 164 missions, logging 324 hours, of which 19 hours are flown off patrolling cutters.
  • Law enforcement teams board 144 vessels.
  • Cutter and small boat crews interdict and rescue 14 illegal immigrants.
  • Marine Safety personnel open 8 new cases for marine violation of federal statutes.
  • Marine Inspectors board 100 large vessels for port safety checks.
  • Vessel examiners conduct 20 commercial fishing vessel safety exams and issue 11 fishing vessel compliance decals.
  • Pollution investigators respond to 20 oil or hazardous chemical spills totaling 2,800 gallons.
  • Buoy tenders and Aids to Navigational Teams service 135 aids to navigation.
  • Vessel Traffic Service controllers assist 2,509 commercial ships entering & leaving U.S. ports.
  • Auxiliarists conduct 377 vessel safety checks and teach boating safety courses to 550 boaters. 

USCG Boating Safety