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Welcome to the Flotilla 31-7, District 9WR Web Site

Flotilla 31-7 InsigniaWelcome to Flotilla 31-7. 

Our Area of Responsibility includes Grand Valley, Grand Rapids, the Grand River and Muskegon.  We are a very active Flotilla, participating in the Coast Guard Festival, Ice Rescue training, Fill the Boat charity, Christmas Tree Ship, and many other activities.

Boating Safety is a big part of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.  We perform Vessel Safety Checks, Search & Rescue, Aid to Navigation checks, Boating Safety training, and more.


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  For any corrections or comments, please contact SO-CS Frank 

Grand Rapids, MI Matthew Thompson SO-PA, VFC 31-07, receiving Coast Guard Auxiliary Achievement Award, presented by Brian Hartley FC 31-07, photo by V Huffman FSO-CS 31-07

Muskegon, MI Brian Hartley FC, 31-07, doing vessel safety check at marina, photo by V Huffman FSO-CS 31-07