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Welcome to the Flotilla 2-1, District 9ER Web Site

Station Oswego


2025  Classroom Schedule


                         DATE LOCATION

January  04 Cayuga Community College (Auburn)

February  23 Van Buren Town Hall

March 15       Van Buren Town Hall

April 12         Clay Highway Dept.

May 10          Van Buren Town Hall

June 07          Clay Highway Dept. 

July 05           Van Buren Town Hall

August 02       Clay Highway Dept.

September 14  Clay Highway Dept.

2025  ON-LINE Boat America Schedule**



January 20

February 17

March 17

April 21

May 19


July 21

August 18

September 15

October 20

November 17


**Call 315-307-1521 to Register or for Information


Our Mission

     Flotilla 2-1 serves the Syracuse, NY area. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month and hold social activities throughout the year. We provide free vessel safety checks at local marinas. We also offer safe boating classes to the public. 

    Our members are qualified in many different operational capacities; many are qualified vessel examiners who conduct vessel safety checks and recreational boating safety visits.

    We often provide assistance to boaters both experienced and novice.

 Vessel Safety Check



About the Coast Guard Auxiliary

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed civilian component of the Coast Guard established by Congress in 1939 to assist in promoting boating safety. It boasts nearly 30,000 members from all walks of life who receive special training so that they may be an integral part of Team Coast Guard. Auxiliarists assist the Coast Guard in non-law enforcement programs such as public education, vessel safety checks, safety patrols, search and rescue, and marine environmental protection programs.

Auxiliarists donate more than 2 million hours annually to benefit the recreational boating community. In an average year the Coast Guard Auxiliary provides 4,500,00 volunteer hours to the U.S. Coast Guard, saves 800 lives, assists 13,000 people in distress, protects $92,000,000 in property, conducts 132,000 vessel safety checks, conducts 2,000 commercial fishing vessel examinations, conducts over 86,000 marine dealer visits, provides 4,000 vessel facilities to the Coast Guard, provides 240 air facilities to the Coast Guard, conducts 16,600 public education sessions and teaches 2,800 boating safety courses.


 Wear It - A Program of the National Safety Boating Council