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Who We Are

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary was formed in 1939 to allow civilian volunteers to support the US Coast Guard. Over the years we have evolved into a force multiplier that aids the Coast Guard in all of its missions except military and direct law enforcement. Today we are an essential branch of Coast Guard Forces. 

Click here for a promotional video about the Auxilary 

The Coast Guard administers the  Auxiliary, whose approximate 30,000 volunteers assist in most all programs but is especially focused on Recreational Boating Safety. At all times unarmed, the Auxiliary augments the work of the regular Coast Guard by performing such duties as air and water patrols, recreational boating instruction, vessel safety checks, and any other duty assigned other than direct law enforcement or defense operations. 

On a typical day members of Division 24 of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary's District 9CR might:

  • Conduct one or more boating safety classes (preventative Search and Rescue)
  • Provide a free Vessel Safety Check to several boaters
  • Conduct a Safety patrol using our own boats as an extension of the Coast Guard's ever vigilant presence.
  • Train our members in operations to the same level the Coast Guard trains its small boat crews.
  • Conduct advanced training in Seamanship, Weather, Navigation, Search and Rescue and Communications.
  • Train for a multitude of direct support tasks to assist the Coast Guard in its non-law enforcement civil functions.
  • Train and conduct all aspects of supporting our own members including learning advance management skills.
  • Aid the Coast Guard with direct support in areas such as Maine Safety and Port Security, clerical functions, and watch standing functions at a Coast Guard Station.
  • Provide aircraft and highly trained crew for many Coast Guard aviation functions
  • Provide skilled food service workers to augment Coast Guard cooks
  • Support our own organization through training and services to our members
  • Work with a great group of people and occasionally get together for different social activities.

 Interested in joining us?  Click here for more information and a contact form.