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Welcome to the Flotilla 18-10, District 9CR Web Site

Flotilla 18-10 Trenton, Michigan

Division Eighteen 9th District Central Region

Division Eighteen 9th District Central Region Serving Southeastern Michigan

Thank you for your interest in the U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, 9th Coast Guard District, Central Region, Division 18, Flotilla 18-10. This website was authorized and approved by Flotilla Commander, Karen Matelic. The intent of this website is to provide essential information for our members, future members and the American public. We hope you find this information presented here informative and useful.

Contact information: Karen Matelic at
Meeting location: 23101 Hall Road, Woodhaven, MI
Meeting Time: 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 1900Hrs.

Contact us for more information on our Safe Boating Classes.

For the most up to date information check the Division, District, and National web pages.