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Welcome to the Division 1, District 8ER Web Site

Division 1

         Michael Richardt      

               DCDR Mike Richardt                                   VCDR Bob Fiers

Welcome to the home of Division 1, Eighth District Eastern Region!  We hope you will find the information on our site informative and helpful.  Our Division covers Indiana from the 41st Latitude across the state and going south near the Ohio River


Mission Statement:

The mission of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is to contribute to the safety and security of our citizens, ports, waterways and coastal regions, as directed by the United States Coast Guard.  We will balance our missions in Recreational Boating Safety, Coast Guard Support with Maritime Homeland Security and other challenges that emerge as a result of our growing understanding of changes required in the post-9/11 era.


It has 4 flotillas spread across the state.

Annual Calendar 2025 and 2026 Three (3) Month Calendar

The Tow Line Newsletter

 Updated:  11 February 2025