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Welcome to the Flotilla 9-5, District 7 Web Site

United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
Flotilla 95
District 7, Division 9

Our Mission: Members of United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 95 perform essential duties for the Federal GoMarco Island arialvernment in support roles to the United States Coast Guard and the Department of Homeland Security.

Our duties include non-law enforcement and non-military roles in search and rescue missions, patrols, boating  education, marine safety, marine  environmental protection, and vessel  safety examinations.

To obtain information regarding our upcoming boating safety courses, click on the appropriate link below.

If you would like to have a Vessel Safety Check click here to send us an email request. 

Area of Operations: The Flotilla's Area of Operations covers the area from Rookery Bay to Chokoloskee Pass, which includes Marco Island and the 10 Thousand Islands.

Meetings: The Flotilla meets at 7:00 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month at the Flotilla station located in Caxambas Park at:

903 Collier Court
Marco Island, Florida 34145

Phone: (239) 394-5911 (Non-emergency)
For an emergency dial 911
Guests always welcome at meetings


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