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Auxiliary Unit Coordinator

Auxiliary Unit Coordinator - Small Boat Station (AUC-SBS)

The Auxiliary Manual (AUXMAN) provides basic information on what an AUC is and does, as well as how this role relates to the Auxiliary Liaison Officer.

B.15. Auxiliary Liaison Officer (AUXLO)

Coast Guard units may designate an active duty Coast Guard member to serve as the AUXLO between the command and local Auxiliary units in order to facilitate and coordinate mutual support. The AUXLO should serve as the unit’s counterpart to, and in close coordination with, the Auxiliary Unit Coordinator (AUC). The AUC is defined in section C of this chapter. AUXLO responsibilities and guidance are further described in the Coast Guard Sector Organization Manual, COMDTINST M5401.6 (series).

C.8.b. Auxiliary Unit Coordinator (AUC)

The AUC shall be an experienced Auxiliarist appointed by the DCO in consultation with the Director and the Coast Guard unit commander to which assigned. The primary purpose of an AUC shall be to facilitate the timely provision of high-quality administrative and operational support by the Auxiliary to the associated Coast Guard unit. The AUC shall work closely with the Coast Guard unit to develop and maintain the necessary relationships to deliver such service.

This position is optional at each station depending on the current organizational structure already in place and the needs of the station. This job description outlines the basic requirements to hold this duty and the responsibilities
pertaining to it.

Appointment Process and Position Reporting:

  • An AUC shall be assigned to a Station and will belong to a Flotilla in the Station's Area of Responsibility (AOR). The Station’s Commanding Officer (CO) or Officer-in-Charge (OIC) will decide whether an AUC will be appointed for the Station.
  • The AUC is appointed by the DCO after consultation with DIRAUX, the appropriate ASC, and the Coast Guard Station Commander to which the AUC is to be assigned.
  • The AUC reports to the ASC and maintains ongoing communication with the Flotilla Commander(s) in the Station's AOR.
  • If a Station Commander is ever dissatisfied with the AUC’s performance, he/she shall notify the ASC who will take appropriate action in consultation with the District Captain and the Station Commander and make sure the performance issue(s) is resolved.
  • An AUC may wear the same appointed insignia as an Assistant District Officer (2 stripes with a red A) or may continue wearing a higher elected officer insignia.