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Welcome to the Flotilla 25-8, District 5SR Web Site

View of Mt Vernon with U S C G Auxilliary Patrol Flag
Welcome to the Mt. Vernon Flotilla of the USCG Auxilliary
We are...
Semper Paratus!
("Always Ready")


The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Mt. Vernon Flotilla (25-08) meets at 1900 hours (7:00 pm) every third Thursday of the month at the Mount Vernon Yacht Club, 4817 Tarpon Lane, Alexandria, VA 22309. Visitors are always welcome.

Are you a boater?  If yes, then please boat safely. Learn how now!
What do we do?  We assist the U.S. Coast Guard and the boating public by conducting marine safety patrols, vessel safety examinations and providing boating safety courses.  We also have instruction for our members, as well as other social gatherings.
Check out our Flotilla calendar for the latest events.
For further information, contact our .
D H S, Coast Guard, and Auxiliary Logos 
Established by Congress in 1939, the 30,000 members of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary are Semper Paratus (Always Ready!).  

Vessel safety checks, harbor patrols, safe boating courses, search and rescue, marine environmental protection are just a few of the services provided by the Auxiliary.

Each year Auxiliarists volunteer more than two million hours benefiting boaters and their families.

The Mt Vernon flotilla website is maintained by Dan Viglione ([email protected]). Contact Dan to suggest changes, corrections, additions or deletions related to the flotilla.