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Welcome to the Flotilla 23-1, District 5SR Web Site

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United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 23-1 is based in historic Annapolis Maryland, the state capital and home of the U.S. Naval Academy on the Chesapeake Bay. The existence of Flotilla 23-1 dates back to 1939 when the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary was known as the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve. Today, the Flotilla has over 50 members who volunteer their time, talents, vessels and radio facilities to assist the U.S. Coast Guard in keeping our waterways safe and secure, control pollution, preserve the environment, protect maritime assets and serve the boating public.

Members conduct over 20 safety, regatta and special event operational patrols each boating season, stand radio watches, teach boating safety courses, perform vessel safety checks, assist the community with marine events, and directly support U.S. Coast Guard Station Annapolis and Sector Maryland–National Capital Region in several mission areas. There are nearly 50 qualifications available to auxiliary members who are willing to put in the required time and training

On average, our members volunteer over 9,500 hours of service each year. Based on the current value of the volunteer hour, this equates to $192,375 dollars in labor to the U.S. Coast Guard. This figure does not take into account the amount of property or lives that were saved as a result of Auxiliary efforts. The Volunteer Guardians of Annapolis video below provides an overview of who we are and what we do. If you are interested in learning more about the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary or Flotilla 23-01, please contact our Human Resources (FSO-HR) staff officer at [email protected]. Welcome aboard! 

Volunteer Guardians of Annapolis from FSO CS on Vimeo.

 Any organization/individual wishing to organize an in-person or virtual class on “Safe Boating”, to include the required Maryland Safe Boating course card, kindly contact Douglas Casler, FSO-PE (PE stands for Public Education) 54-023-01, Annapolis at [email protected].

  • To promote and improve Recreational Boating Safety

  • To provide trained crews and facilities to augment the Coast Guard and enhance safety and security of our ports, waterways, and coastal regions

  • To support Coast Guard operational, administrative, and logistical Requirements

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