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Welcome to the Division 9, District 5SR Web Site

Division 9 Seal

USCGAUX 5th District Southern Region PIEDMONT DIVISION 9 - central North Carolina

Established by Congress in 1939, we are the uniformed civilian volunteer component that supports all US Coast Guard missions

DIVISION 9 consists of six (6) FLOTILLAS in the Research Triangle-Piedmont Triad area of NC

Flotilla members live in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, Burlington, and surrounding counties  

We patrol lake waterways in central NC to VA:  Falls, Jordan, Gaston, Kerr, Hyco, and other lakes

 The primary CGAUX mission is Recreational Boating Safety!

Division 9's goal is to make boating safe and secure for everyone on the waterways in USCG Sector NC. 

CGAUX D5 SR members volunteer throughout NC, VA, MD, and DC, patrolling in boats on the coasts,  rivers and inland lakes, flying aircraft patrols, and providing dockside Vessel Safety Examinations to recreational boats and private vessels operating on the mid-Atlantic waterways of Fifth CG District.

CGAUX instructors offer monthly Public Education courses on all aspects of recreational boating, with an emphasis on teaching safe boating practices and marine environmental protection to citizens of all ages.

Our distinguished organization promotes member fellowship, participation, and training at every level.  Please connect with one of our 6 flotillas, and come JOIN US!  We welcome EVERYONE who desires to volunteer.

The civilian experiences and skills we bring to the Coast Guard make our volunteer service unique.  We promote the USCG core values of HONOR, RESPECT, and DEVOTION TO DUTY, while supporting US Homeland Security operations, and celebrating maritime safety! 


Piedmont Division Public Affairs News Releases

For our news releases and a list of our Public Affairs events or to add an event please go to   About Division 09 in the left menu.

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