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Welcome to the Division 8, District 5SR Web Site

Division 8: Blue Ridge Division
5th Coast Guard District, Southern Region
Central & Southwestern Virginia

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Division 8 images


Division 8, Blue Ridge serves recreational boating waters in western Virginia with five Flotillas of Auxiliarists who boat on Smith Mountain Lake, Lake Anna, and Claytor Lake.

Formed in 1964 with boaters from Roanoke, Lynchburg, Waynesboro and Charlottesville, the Division has grown to provide boating safety services over a broad territory. This includes the smaller western lakes and rivers such as: Carvins Cove, Lake Moomaw, Lake Saponi, Green Mountain Lake, Lake Louisa, Lake of the Woods, the James River, Rivanna River, New River and Little River.

The geographic area is quite large for the Blue Ridge members who hail from Danville to Fluvanna, Louisa and Orange Counties, thence over to Harrisonburg and all the territory from these locations to the West Virginia border.

This area of about 16,000 square miles (nautical) is within the Area of Responsibility (AOR) of the U.S. Coast Guard's Sector Virginia of the Fifth Coast Guard District.

(See Calendar Page for more details) 


01 FEB: Division Change of Watch (COW) - 1200-1400
               The Neighbors Place Restaurant, Lynchburg, VA
               (For details, see Calendar item)