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Welcome to the Flotilla 15-10, District 5NR Web Site

                           Follow us on Facebook at   U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla, Lake Hopatcong, NJ

Monthly Meetings 2025
Next meeting:  April 09, 2025 - 7:00PMHopatcong Recreation Department/Senior Center32 Lakeside Drive, Hopatcong, NJ   

Monthly Meetings 2025
Next meeting:  March 12, 2025 - 7:00PMHopatcong Recreation Department/Senior Center32 Lakeside Drive, Hopatcong, NJ   

Commander's Message...

Kate Swat VFC PhotoWelcome to the Northern Lakes Flotilla of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Sector Delaware Bay, Northern Region 05, District 15, otherwise known as 05NR-15-10.  My name is Kathleen Swat, and I will be the Flotilla Commander for 2025.

Known as "America’s Volunteer Lifesavers" the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary was established by Congress in 1939 to assist the Coast Guard in promoting boating safety. It boasts more than 24,000 members from all walks of life, who receive special training so that they may be a functional part of Coast Guard Forces. Auxiliarists assist the Coast Guard in non-law enforcement programs such as public education, vessel safety checks, safety patrols, search and rescue, maritime security, and environmental protection.  Recent initiatives include sponsoring and assisting in local Sea Scout activities.5NR AOR MAP

Sector Delaware Bay has a tri-state area of responsibility (AOR) that encompasses portions of the states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware and includes the busy commercial ports of Philadelphia and Wilmington. The unit's AOR extends 200 Nautical Miles out from the Jersey Shore.

The five flotillas in Northern Region District 15’s AOR includes much of Northern New Jersey and Northeastern Pennsylvania (excluding a small portion of the northeast NJ, which is part of Sector New York).

Our Lake Hopatcong Flotilla AOR includes all of Warren County, northern Hunterdon County (north of Route 78), and Sussex and Morris Counties west of a line drawn from northwestern most Sussex border, south to the intersection of routes 78 and 202, and all areas west of that line to the Delaware River.   Our primarily focus over the years has been toward the Lake Hopatcong and Lake Mohawk.   We hope to begin to extend our presence and services in 2025 to include Budd and Musconetcong lakes as well as Spruce Run and Round Valley Reservoirs.

We frequently offer the NJ Safe Boating Course (boating safety certification), perform boat and kayak safety checks/inspections in area marinas and boat ramps and perform active patrols and radio missions within our AOR.  See our “Public Education” and “Vessel Examinations” webpages for details.

We offer a wide variety of training to our members, in order to pursue our boating safety mission and accomplish our flotilla and individual member’s objectives for 2025 and in the years to come.  We also actively participate in the Black River Chapter BSA Sea Scout Program.

I and our Flotilla Vice Commander, Margaret Gering, invite you to look around our website as well as the division and district websites to learn more about the missions of the Coast Guard, the Coast Guard Auxiliary, and our Flotilla and to consider joining us in pursuit of our mission.   Membership is open to all persons 17 years of age and older.

The Auxiliary is the uniformed, non-combat, volunteer arm of the United States Coast Guard. Beyond our primary mission of Recreational Boater Safety, we routinely assist our active duty colleagues when our time and skills align with their needs.  

As part of our mission of Recreational Boating Safety we offer the following services to the community:

NJ Boating Safety Certification Classes: Required by NJ State Law for any individual operating a vessel within state waters this beginner boating class will give you the knowledge needed to obtain your NJ safety certification.  A course fee of $75 is charged with a $5.00 discount if paid in advance by credit card. To find out more or to register for an upcoming class contact our Flotilla Commander/Acting Public Education Officer, Mr. George Roth at [email protected] Click here to send George an email

Vessel Safety Checks: (A Free Service) A Vessel Safety Check (VSC) is performed at your boat − ranging in locations from marina to your driveway. A vessel safety check usually takes 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of your boat. If you have any questions or want to schedule a VSC, please email our Vessel Examination Officer, Mr. Larry Orlans at [email protected]
Click here to send Larry an email

Membership:  We are always looking for new members so if you see yourself being involved in your community while serving your country, The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, also known as America's Volunteer Lifesavers, might be for you. As an Auxiliarist you can learn new skills, while making new friends. We provide complete training for you to become qualified as an instructor, vessel examiner, boat crew member, and coxswain and in many other qualifications in support of Coast Guard missions. Please contact our Human Resources Officer, Mr. Patrick DeDeo to find out more at [email protected] Click here to send Pat an email

There are many ways to be active with us and there is something for everyone, regardless of your level of experience or abilities. If you would like to join us as a member of Team Coast Guard, we welcome you! We meet the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Hopatcong Senior Center (Recreation Department), 32 Lakeside Blvd., Hopatcong, NJ. If you are interested in attending a meeting as a guest or to find out more, please contact our Human Resources Officer, Mr Patrick DeDeo at [email protected] Click here to send Pat an email

We invite you to learn more about the Auxiliary and our activities. If you are interested in taking a boating course, or having your vessel examined, we are Semper Paratus – Always Ready to assist you.